Hae Jin Kim
Feedback linearization vs. adaptive sliding mode control for a quadrotor helicopter
D Lee, H Jin Kim, S Sastry
International Journal of control, Automation and systems 7, 419-428, 2009
Probabilistic pursuit-evasion games: theory, implementation, and experimental evaluation
R Vidal, O Shakernia, HJ Kim, DH Shim, S Sastry
IEEE transactions on robotics and automation 18 (5), 662-669, 2002
Soft robot review
C Lee, M Kim, YJ Kim, N Hong, S Ryu, HJ Kim, S Kim
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 15, 3-15, 2017
Aerial manipulation using a quadrotor with a two dof robotic arm
S Kim, S Choi, HJ Kim
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Build your own quadrotor: Open-source projects on unmanned aerial vehicles
H Lim, J Park, D Lee, HJ Kim
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 19 (3), 33-45, 2012
Autonomous landing of a VTOL UAV on a moving platform using image-based visual servoing
D Lee, T Ryan, HJ Kim
2012 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 971-976, 2012
A flight control system for aerial robots: algorithms and experiments
HJ Kim, DH Shim
Control engineering practice 11 (12), 1389-1400, 2003
Decentralized nonlinear model predictive control of multiple flying robots
DH Shim, HJ Kim, S Sastry
42nd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Nonlinear model predictive tracking control for rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicles
HJ Kim, DH Shim, S Sastry
Proceedings of the 2002 American control conference (IEEE Cat. No. CH37301 …, 2002
Model-predictive active steering and obstacle avoidance for autonomous ground vehicles
Y Yoon, J Shin, HJ Kim, Y Park, S Sastry
Control Engineering Practice 17 (7), 741-750, 2009
Nonsingular sliding mode guidance for impact time control
D Cho, HJ Kim, MJ Tahk
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 39 (1), 61-68, 2016
An Arabidopsis R2R3-MYB transcription factor, AtMYB20, negatively regulates type 2C serine/threonine protein phosphatases to enhance salt tolerance
MH Cui, KS Yoo, S Hyoung, HTK Nguyen, YY Kim, HJ Kim, SH Ok, ...
Febs Letters 587 (12), 1773-1778, 2013
Characterization of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored lipid transfer protein 2 (LTPG2) and overlapping function between LTPG/LTPG1 and LTPG2 in cuticular wax export or …
H Kim, SB Lee, HJ Kim, MK Min, I Hwang, MC Suh
Plant and Cell Physiology 53 (8), 1391-1403, 2012
Arabidopsis 3-ketoacyl-coenzyme a synthase9 is involved in the synthesis of tetracosanoic acids as precursors of cuticular waxes, suberins, sphingolipids, and phospholipids
J Kim, JH Jung, SB Lee, YS Go, HJ Kim, R Cahoon, JE Markham, ...
Plant physiology 162 (2), 567-580, 2013
Cucker-Smale flocking with inter-particle bonding forces
J Park, HJ Kim, SY Ha
IEEE transactions on automatic control 55 (11), 2617-2623, 2010
Vision-guided aerial manipulation using a multirotor with a robotic arm
S Kim, H Seo, S Choi, HJ Kim
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 21 (4), 1912-1923, 2016
Arabidopsis Cuticular Wax Biosynthesis Is Negatively Regulated by the DEWAX Gene Encoding an AP2/ERF-Type Transcription Factor
YS Go, H Kim, HJ Kim, MC Suh
The Plant Cell 26 (4), 1666-1680, 2014
Planning and control for collision-free cooperative aerial transportation
H Lee, H Kim, HJ Kim
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15 (1), 189-201, 2016
Obstacle avoidance of autonomous vehicles based on model predictive control
JM Park, DW Kim, YS Yoon, HJ Kim, KS Yi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2009
Secretory Low Molecular Weight Phospholipase A2 Plays Important Roles in Cell Elongation and Shoot Gravitropism in Arabidopsis
HY Lee, SC Bahn, YM Kang, KH Lee, HJ Kim, EK Noh, JP Palta, JS Shin, ...
The Plant Cell 15 (9), 1990-2002, 2003
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