Alvaro Rendon Gallon
Alvaro Rendon Gallon
Profesor de Telemática, Universidad del Cauca
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Rural Telemedicine Infrastructure and Services in the Department of Cauca, Colombia
Á Rendón, A Martínez, MF Dulcey, J Seoane, RG Shoemaker, V Villarroel, ...
Telemedicine and e-Health 11 (4), 451-459, 2005
Personalized service degradation policies on OTT applications based on the consumption behavior of users
JS Rojas, AR Gallón, JC Corrales
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2018: 18th International …, 2018
QoS-Classifier for VPN and Non-VPN traffic based on time-related features
JA Caicedo-Muñoz, A Ledezma Espino, JC Corrales, A Rendón Gallón
Computer Networks 144, 271-279, 2018
The TUCAN3G Project: Wireless Technologies for Isolated Rural Communities in Developing Countries Based on 3G Small Cell Deployments
A Martinez-Fernandez, J Vidal, J Simo-Reigadas, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (7), 36-43, 2016
Improving Epidemiologic Surveillance and Health Promoter Training in Rural Latin America through ICT
A Martínez, DM López, A Sáez, J Seoane, Á Rendón, RG Shoemaker, ...
Telemedicine and e-Health 11 (4), 468-476, 2008
Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicaciones para zonas rurales
A Rendón Gallón, P Ludeña González, A Martínez Fernández
CYTED, 2011
Animation of heterogeneous prototypes of real-time systems
A Rendon, JC Duenas, MA de Miguel, J Leskela, JA de la Puente, G Leon, ...
IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems …, 1995
Desarrollo de Sistemas Informáticos usando UML y RUP. Una visión General
A Rendon Gallon
Universidad del Cauca. Departamento de Telemática, 2004
Prueba incremental de modelos de sistemas de tiempo real
AR Gallón
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1997
Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones para zonas rurales: Aplicación a la atención de salud en países en desarrollo
ÁR Gallón, PJL González, AM Fernández
CYTED, 2011
CITA01-Access to Digital Libraries from low speed Disconnected Environments
DF Manquillo, Á Rendón
IEEE Latin America Transactions 8 (2), 111-119, 2010
Early validation of real-time systems by model execution
MA de Miguel, JC Dueñas, A Rendón, JA de la Puente, A Alonso, G León
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 29 (1), 7153-7158, 1996
A vital signs telemonitoring system-interoperability supported by a personal health record systema and a cloud service
MF Gutiérrez, A Cajiao, JA Hidalgo, JD Cerón, DM López, VM Quintero, ...
Studies in health technology and informatics 200, 124-130, 2013
Peripheral diagnosis for propagated network faults
AM Vargas-Arcila, JC Corrales, A Sanchis, ÁR Gallón
Journal of Network and Systems Management 29 (2), 14, 2021
Characterization of information systems for primary health care
HY Castrillón-Cobo, Á Rendón-Gallón, NG Apráez-Ippolito
Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín 18 (34), 141-164, 2019
Integrated validation of real-time system models
JC Duenas, A Rendon, MA de Miguel
Proceedings Ninth Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, 241-248, 1997
Challenges of SOA adoption in the Telco domain for Latin American researchers
F Mendioroz-Cotelo, Á Rendón-Gallón, JC Corrales-Muñoz, ...
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería 24 (39), 9-19, 2015
SOFI dataset: Symptom-fault relationship for IP-network
A Vargas-Arcila, JC Corrales, A Sanchis, A Rendón
Computer Networks 216, 109233, 2022
Dibujando para impulsar el desarrollo: una historieta para compartir los aprendizajes del proyecto InnovAcción Cauca
DMM Echeverry, ÁR Gallón
Signo y Pensamiento 40 (79), 1-21, 2021
Implementación de IEEE 802.11 en enlaces largos para zonas rurales aisladas
FJ Simó Reigadas, A Martínez Fernández, MF Dulcey Morán, ...
IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática CITA 2006, 2006
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