Vladimir Kitanov
Vladimir Kitanov
Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia
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Analysis of the existing management system in Macedonian companies and the necessity of accepting the TQM philosophy
E Mitreva, Z Jakovlev, C Koteski, V Kitanov, T Angelkova
International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 8 (2), 54-63, 2012
The Need for Information System Design in Building a House of Quality
E Mitreva, N Taskov, V Kitanov, O Filiposki, T Boskov
International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 16 (1), 26-33, 2013
Should There be Redesign or Reengineering of the Business Process in Macedonian Companies
E Mitreva, Z Jakovlev, C Koteski, V Kitanov, T Angelkova
International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 8 (2), 64-70, 2012
Applying the methodology of benchmarking strategy within the within the travel companies in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
E Mitreva, Z Jakovlev, C Koteski, T Angelkova, V Kitanov
Преглед на странски туристи и ноќевања по земји на припадност кои ја посетиле Република Македонија во периодот од 2006-2010 г.
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, T Angelkova, E Mitreva, V Kitanov
Bulletin of Papers ASA-2010-2011, 67-74, 2014
Zastita i prezentacija na kulturnoto nasledstvo na op. Prilep za turisticki celi
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, E Mitreva, T Angelkova, S Bardarova, V Kitanov
Structure of the road network and the impact on the development of tourism in the municipality Dojran
C Koteski, V Kitanov
Financing effects and animation in tourism
Z Jakovlev, C Koteski, S Bardarova, T Angelkova, V Kitanov
Преглед и состојба на поштенскиот сообраќај, мрежата и бројот на претплатници во телекомуникацискиот сообраќај во Република Македонија во периодот од 2005-2010 година
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, T Angelkova, E Mitreva, V Kitanov
Bulletin of Papers ASA-2010-2011, 57-66, 2014
Demographic and infrastructure problems of villages in the hilly-mountainous areas of Prilep
C Koteski, D Josheski, Z Jakovlev, S Bardarova, V Kitanov
Journal of Earth Science and Enginering 3 (8), 569-581, 2013
Заштита и презентација на културното наследство на Општина Прилеп за туристички цели
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, E Mitreva, T Angelkova, S Bardarova, V Kitanov
Models of TQM Strategy in the World and the Need for Macedonian Model of Excellence
E Mitreva, N Taskov, V Kitanov, O Filiposki, T Boskov
International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 16 (1), 69-79, 2013
Aspects of land and their distribution in Mariovo and Raječka Valley in Republic of Macedonia
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, E Mitreva, T Angelkova, V Kitanov
Characteristics of economic factors for rural tourism development
V Kitanov
International scientific journal Knowledge 49, 159-162, 2021
Interaction‐communication aspect of active listening in teaching
I Kitanova, V Kitanov
Современото воспитание и образование-состојби, предизвици и перспективи …, 2018
Sustainable development in the Republic of Macedonia
V Kitanov
Knowledge-International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers 22, 309-313, 2018
Преглед на патничкиот и товарниот сообраќај во Република Македонија во периодот од 1982-2010 г.
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, T Angelkova, E Mitreva, V Kitanov
Bulletin of Papers ASA-2010-2011, 49-55, 2014
Fruit-growing and viticulture at the confluence of the Crna River (Black River) in Macedonia
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, T Angelkova, S Bardarova, V Kitanov
Grading and structure of the roads and their impact on the arrival of foreign tourists in Macedonia
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, T Angelkova, S Bardarova, V Kitanov
The importance of hunting and hunting grounds for big and small game for tourism development in the basin of Crna Reka the Republic of Macedonia
C Koteski, Z Jakovlev, E Mitreva, T Angelkova, V Kitanov
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