Tim van Meurs
An incongruous intervention: Exploring the role of anti‐institutionalism in less‐educated individual’s limited uptake of nutrition information
T van Meurs, J Oude Groeniger, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Sociology of Health & Illness 44 (2), 432-450, 2022
Why are anti‐smoking health‐information interventions less effective among low‐socioeconomic status groups? A systematic scoping review
T van Meurs, FR Çoban, W de Koster, J van Der Waal, J Oude Groeniger
Drug and Alcohol Review 41 (5), 1195-1205, 2022
Suggested explanations for the (in) effectiveness of nutrition information interventions among adults with a low socioeconomic status: a scoping review
T van Meurs, JO Groeniger, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Journal of Nutritional Science 11, e50, 2022
Receptive to an authoritative voice? Experimental evidence on how patronizing language and stressing institutional sources affect public receptivity to nutrition information
T van Meurs, JO Groeniger, W de Koster, J van der Waal
SSM-Population Health 20, 101295, 2022
Sugar tax and product reformulation proposals reduce the perceived legitimacy of health-promotion institutions: a randomized population-based survey experiment
T van Meurs, W de Koster, J van der Waal, J Oude Groeniger
European Journal of Public Health 34 (3), 454-459, 2024
No Appetite for Meddling: The role of anti-institutionalism in educational differences in the receptivity to nutrition interventions
T van Meurs
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2023
Immigrantenperceptie van de Europese meerderheid na de Vluchtelingencrisis: Een multilevelanalyse van ronde 7 en 8 van de European Social Survey
LM Kraus, T van Meurs
Samenhang in Europa: eenheid in verscheidenheid: Proceedings zesde …, 2019
Book Review: Break Beats in the Bronx: Rediscovering Hip-Hop’s Early Years
T van Meurs
Cultural Sociology 12 (4), 566-567, 2018
Book Review: Reel Inequality: Hollywood Actors and Racism
T van Meurs
Cultural Sociology 12 (3), 426-427, 2018
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