Probability distribution of surface elevation in surf and swash zones N Kobayashi, MN Herrman, BD Johnson, MD Orzech Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 124 (3), 99-107, 1998 | 68 | 1998 |
Shoaling transformation of wave frequency‐directional spectra THC Herbers, M Orzech, S Elgar, RT Guza Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C1), 2003 | 66 | 2003 |
Megacusps on rip channel bathymetry: Observations and modeling MD Orzech, AJHM Reniers, EB Thornton, JH MacMahan Coastal Engineering 58 (9), 890-907, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
Alongshore rip channel migration and sediment transport MD Orzech, EB Thornton, JH MacMahan, WC O'Reilly, TP Stanton Marine Geology 271 (3-4), 278-291, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |
Implementation and testing of ice and mud source functions in WAVEWATCH III WE Rogers, MD Orzech NRL Memorandum Report, NRL/MR/7320-13 9462, 31, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
A variational assimilation system for nearshore wave modeling MD Orzech, J Veeramony, H Ngodock Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30 (5), 953-970, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Incorporating floating surface objects into a fully dispersive surface wave model MD Orzech, F Shi, J Veeramony, S Bateman, J Calantoni, JT Kirby Ocean Modelling 102, 14-26, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
Navy nearshore ocean prediction systems J Veeramony, MD Orzech, KL Edwards, M Gilligan, J Choi, E Terrill, ... Oceanography 27 (3), 80-91, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Equilibrium terraced and barred beaches MD Orzech, N Kobayashi Coastal Engineering (1998), 2736-2749, 1998 | 20* | 1998 |
Measured rogue waves and their environment MD Orzech, D Wang Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (11), 890, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Rogue wave formation in adverse ocean current gradients M Manolidis, M Orzech, J Simeonov Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (2), 26, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Simulating the mechanics of sea ice using the discrete element method SP Bateman, MD Orzech, J Calantoni Mechanics Research Communications 99, 73-78, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Probability modeling of surf zone and swash dynamics N Kobayashi, MD Orzech, BD Johnson, MN Herrman Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, 107-121, 1997 | 8 | 1997 |
Experiments on Surface Elevation Probability Distribution and Statistics in Surf and Swash Zones. MN Herrman, N Kobayashi, BD Johnson, MD Orzech | 6 | 1997 |
Rogue Wave Events in Time Series of Surface Elevation M Orzech, D Wang US Naval Research Laboratory: Louisiana, MS, USA, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Optimizing spectral wave estimates with adjoint-based sensitivity maps M Orzech, J Veeramony, S Flampouris Ocean Dynamics 64, 487-505, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Recent updates to SWANFAR, a 5DVAR data assimilation system for SWAN M Orzech, J Veeramony, H Ngodock, S Flampouris, I Souopgui Technical Report, https://apps. dtic. mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a640877. pdf, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Validation of a wave data assimilation system based on SWAN S Flampourisi, J Veeramony, MD Orzech, HE Ngodock EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-5951, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Random wave transformation and sediment transport across barred and terraced sand beaches MD Orzech, N Kobayashi NASA, 1997 | 4 | 1997 |
Laboratory measurements of surface wave propagation through ice floes in salt water M Orzech, J Yu, D Wang, B Landry, C Zuniga-Zamalloa, E Braithwaite, ... Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (10), 1483, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |