Catalin Ioan MAICAN
Catalin Ioan MAICAN
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Assessing the smartphone addiction risk and its associations with personality traits among adolescents
E Cocoradă, CI Maican, AM Cazan, MA Maican
Children and Youth Services Review 93, 345-354, 2018
Computer anxiety and attitudes towards the computer and the internet with Romanian high-school and university students
AM Cazan, E Cocoradă, CI Maican
Computers in Human Behavior 55, 258-267, 2016
A study on academic staff personality and technology acceptance: The case of communication and collaboration applications
CI Maican, AM Cazan, RC Lixandroiu, L Dovleac
Computers & Education 128, 113-131, 2019
Interactivia. ro–A study of a gamification framework using zero-cost tools
C Maican, R Lixandroiu, C Constantin
Computers in Human Behavior 61, 186-197, 2016
A system architecture based on open source enterprise content management systems for supporting educational institutions
C Maican, R Lixandroiu
International Journal of Information Management 36 (2), 207-214, 2016
An analysis of the impact of personality traits towards augmented reality in online shopping
R Lixăndroiu, AM Cazan, CI Maican
Symmetry 13 (3), 416, 2021
Always connected@ work. Technostress and well-being with academics
C Truța, CI Maican, AM Cazan, RC Lixăndroiu, L Dovleac, MA Maican
Computers in Human Behavior 143, 107675, 2023
An analysis on choosing a proper ecommerce platform
R Lixandroiu, C Maican
Risk in Contemporary Economy 2 (1), 54-59, 2015
Unlocking the entrepreneurial state of mind for digital decade: SMEs and digital marketing
E Nichifor, RC Lixăndroiu, CI Maican, S Sumedrea, IB Chițu, AS Tecău, ...
Electronics 11 (15), 2358, 2022
Exploring the factors influencing the use of communication and collaboration applications
C Maican, AM Cazan, R Lixandroiu, L Dovleac, MA Maican
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 33 (4), 94-124, 2021
Eye tracking and an a/b split test for social media marketing optimisation: The connection between the user profile and ad creative components
E Nichifor, RC Lixăndroiu, IB Chițu, G Brătucu, S Sumedrea, CI Maican, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16 (6), 2319 …, 2021
Computers, internet and smartphone attitudes among Romanian University students
CI Maican, E Cocoradă
European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 2 (5), 80-87, 2017
Integrated university management system based on open source tools
CI Maican
2009 Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2009
Factores determinantes en el uso del e-learning y la satisfacción docente
AM Cazan, CI Maican
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 89-100, 2023
Open-source enterprise content management using workflows: an implementation case-study for higher education institutions
C Maican, R Lixandroiu
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic …, 2014
Factors determining the use of e-learning and teaching satisfaction
AM Cazan, CI Maican
Comunicar 31 (74), 89-100, 2023
An analysis of the impact of personality traits towards augmented reality in online shopping. Symmetry, 13 (3), 1–18
R Lixăndroiu, AM Cazan, CI Maican
Personalization in E-commerce using profiles similarity
R Lixandroiu, C Maican
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic …, 2015
A model for comparative analysis of the similarity between Android and iOS operating systems
C Maican, R Lixandroiu
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic …, 2014
Aspecte privind proiectarea unei baze de date pentru evaluarea capitalului uman din universităţi
L Sângeorzan, C Aldea, C Maican, O Ocică
Modele si indicatori de evaluare a calitatii cercetarii stiintifice universitare, 0
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