Yue Qiu
Describing and localizing multiple changes with transformers
Y Qiu, S Yamamoto, K Nakashima, R Suzuki, K Iwata, H Kataoka, Y Satoh
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
3d-aware scene change captioning from multiview images
Y Qiu, Y Satoh, R Suzuki, K Iwata, H Kataoka
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (3), 4743-4750, 2020
Indoor scene change captioning based on multimodality data
Y Qiu, Y Satoh, R Suzuki, K Iwata, H Kataoka
Sensors 20 (17), 4761, 2020
Image generation associated with music data
Y Qiu, H Kataoka
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Multi-view visual question answering with active viewpoint selection
Y Qiu, Y Satoh, R Suzuki, K Iwata, H Kataoka
Sensors 20 (8), 2281, 2020
TransFusionOdom: Transformer-based LiDAR-inertial fusion odometry estimation
L Sun, G Ding, Y Qiu, Y Yoshiyasu, F Kanehiro
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023
Incorporating 3D information into visual question answering
Y Qiu, Y Satoh, R Suzuki, H Kataoka
2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 756-765, 2019
Fashion culture database: Construction of database for world-wide fashion analysis
K Abe, M Minoguchi, T Suzuki, T Suzuki, N Akimoto, Y Qiu, R Suzuki, ...
2018 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2018
3d change localization and captioning from dynamic scans of indoor scenes
Y Qiu, S Yamamoto, R Yamada, R Suzuki, H Kataoka, K Iwata, Y Satoh
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
VirtualHome action genome: A simulated spatio-temporal scene graph dataset with consistent relationship labels
Y Qiu, Y Nagasaki, K Hara, H Kataoka, R Suzuki, K Iwata, Y Satoh
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
Graph representation for order-aware visual transformation
Y Qiu, Y Sun, F Matsuzawa, K Iwata, H Kataoka
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Outdoor Vision-and-Language Navigation Needs Object-Level Alignment
Y Sun, Y Qiu, Y Aoki, H Kataoka
Sensors 23 (13), 6028, 2023
The STVchrono Dataset: Towards Continuous Change Recognition in Time
Y Sun, Y Qiu, M Khan, F Matsuzawa, K Iwata
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Question Generation for Uncertainty Elimination in Referring Expressions in 3D Environments
F Matsuzawa, Y Qiu, K Iwata, H Kataoka, Y Satoh
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6146-6152, 2023
Scene change captioning in real scenarios
Y Qiu, K Nakashima, Y Satoh, R Suzuki, K Iwata, H Kataoka
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 405-419, 2022
Ai-based vr earthquake simulator
R Suzuki, R Iitoi, Y Qiu, K Iwata, Y Satoh
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Applications in Health, Cultural …, 2018
Guided by the Way: The Role of On-the-route Objects and Scene Text in Enhancing Outdoor Navigation
Y Sun, Y Qiu, Y Aoki, H Kataoka
2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5198-5204, 2024
AI-Based 360-degree Video Generation from Monocular Video for Immersive Experience
K Asano, R Suzuki, Y Qiu, Y Satoh
Companion Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2020
Single Image Contrast Enhancement by Training the HDR Camera Data
K Iwata, R Suzuki, Y Qiu, Y Satoh
Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience: Thematic Area, HCI …, 2020
Multi-view Visual Question Answering Dataset for Real Environment Applications
Y Qiu, Y Satoh, R Suzuki, K Iwata
Artificial Intelligence in HCI: First International Conference, AI-HCI 2020 …, 2020
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