Temporary jobs: stepping stones or dead ends? AL Booth, M Francesconi, J Frank The economic journal 112 (480), F189-F213, 2002 | 1891 | 2002 |
The economics of the trade union AL Booth Cambridge University Press, 1995 | 1392 | 1995 |
Is there a glass ceiling over Europe? Exploring the gender pay gap across the wage distribution W Arulampalam, AL Booth, ML Bryan Ilr Review 60 (2), 163-186, 2007 | 1376 | 2007 |
Workplace training in Europe A Bassanini, AL Booth, G Brunello, M De Paola, E Leuven Available at SSRN 756405, 2005 | 845 | 2005 |
Unemployment persistence W Arulampalam, AL Booth, MP Taylor Oxford economic papers 52 (1), 24-50, 2000 | 691 | 2000 |
Gender differences in risk behaviour: does nurture matter? AL Booth, P Nolen The economic journal 122 (558), F56-F78, 2012 | 638 | 2012 |
Birth order matters: the effect of family size and birth order on educational attainment AL Booth, HJ Kee Journal of Population Economics 22 (2), 367-397, 2009 | 606 | 2009 |
Choosing to compete: How different are girls and boys? A Booth, P Nolen Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 81 (2), 542-555, 2012 | 577 | 2012 |
Training and labour market flexibility: is there a trade‐off? W Arulampalam, AL Booth British Journal of Industrial Relations 36 (4), 521-536, 1998 | 576 | 1998 |
A sticky floors model of promotion, pay, and gender AL Booth, M Francesconi, J Frank European Economic Review 47 (2), 295-322, 2003 | 550 | 2003 |
Job satisfaction and family happiness: the part‐time work puzzle AL Booth, JC Van Ours The Economic Journal 118 (526), F77-F99, 2008 | 504 | 2008 |
Acquiring skills: Market failures, their symptoms and policy responses AL Booth, DJ Snower Cambridge University Press, 1996 | 485 | 1996 |
Does ethnic discrimination vary across minority groups? Evidence from a field experiment AL Booth, A Leigh, E Varganova Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 74 (4), 547-573, 2012 | 474 | 2012 |
Job-related formal training: who receives it and what is it worth? AL Booth Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics 53 (3), 1991 | 450 | 1991 |
Training in europe W Arulampalam, AL Booth, ML Bryan Journal of the European Economic Association 2 (2-3), 346-360, 2004 | 438 | 2004 |
The free rider problem and a social custom model of trade union membership AL Booth The Quarterly Journal of Economics 100 (1), 253-261, 1985 | 376 | 1985 |
Earnings, productivity, and performance-related pay AL Booth, J Frank Journal of Labor Economics 17 (3), 447-463, 1999 | 338 | 1999 |
Outside offers and the gender pay gap: Empirical evidence from the UK academic labour market D Blackaby, AL Booth, J Frank The Economic Journal 115 (501), F81-F107, 2005 | 314 | 2005 |
Hours of work and gender identity: Does part‐time work make the family happier? AL Booth, JC Van Ours Economica 76 (301), 176-196, 2009 | 302 | 2009 |
Do employers discriminate by gender? A field experiment in female-dominated occupations A Booth, A Leigh Economics Letters 107 (2), 236-238, 2010 | 254 | 2010 |