Diego Galace de Freitas
Diego Galace de Freitas
Professor Instrutor FCMSCSP
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Efficacy of adding the kinesio taping method to guideline-endorsed conventional physiotherapy in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomised controlled trial
MAN Added, LOP Costa, TY Fukuda, DG De Freitas, EC Salomão, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 14, 1-8, 2013
Kinesio taping does not provide additional benefits in patients with chronic low back pain who receive exercise and manual therapy: a randomized controlled trial
MAN Added, LOP Costa, DG de Freitas, TY Fukuda, RL Monteiro, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 46 (7), 506-513, 2016
Treating low back pain with combined cerebral and peripheral electrical stimulation: A randomized, double‐blind, factorial clinical trial
FA Hazime, AF Baptista, DG De Freitas, RL Monteiro, RL Maretto, ...
European Journal of Pain 21 (7), 1132-1143, 2017
Pulsed electromagnetic field and exercises in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
DG de Freitas, FB Marcondes, RL Monteiro, SG Rosa, PMMB Fucs, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 95 (2), 345-352, 2014
Os efeitos da desativação dos pontos-gatilho miofasciais, da mobilização articular e do exercício de estabilização cervical em uma paciente com disfunção temporomandibular: um …
DG Freitas, ÍCO Pinheiro, K Vantin, NCM Meinrath, NAA Carvalho
Fisioterapia em Movimento 24, 33-38, 2011
Strengthening the gluteus maximus in subjects with sacroiliac dysfunction
MAN Added, DG de Freitas, KT Kasawara, RL Martin, TY Fukuda
International journal of sports physical therapy 13 (1), 114, 2018
Estabilização segmentar lombar
RM Dos Santos, DGD Freitas, ÍCO Pinheiro, K Vantin, HD Gualberto, ...
Med. reabil, 2011
A abordagem fisioterapêutica na disfunção da articulaçãotemporomandibular. Revisão da literatura
KB Oliveira, ICO Pinheiro, DG Freitas, HD Gualberto, NA Carvalho
Med. reabil, 2010
Analgesic efficacy of cerebral and peripheral electrical stimulation in chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized, double-blind, factorial clinical trial
FA Hazime, DG de Freitas, RL Monteiro, RL Maretto, NAA Carvalho, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 16, 1-8, 2015
Hip rotations’ influence of electromyographic activity of gluteus medius muscle during pelvic-drop exercise
RL Monteiro, JH Facchini, DG de Freitas, B Callegari, SMA João
Journal of sport rehabilitation 26 (1), 65-71, 2017
Exercícios de estabilização segmentar lombar na lombalgia: revisão sistemática da literatura/The effectiveness of lumbar segmental stabilizing exercises in low back pain: a …
CP Volpato, SW Fernandes, NA de Almeida Carvalho, DG Freitas
Arquivos Médicos dos Hospitais e da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa …, 2012
Força do manguito rotador em indivíduos com síndrome do impacto comparado ao lado assintomático
FB Marcondes, SG Rosa, RA Vasconcelos, A Basta, DG Freitas, ...
Acta Ortopédica Brasileira 19, 333-337, 2011
Use of the STarT Back Screening Tool in patients with chronic low back pain receiving physical therapy interventions
FC Medeiros, EC Salomao, LOP Costa, DG de Freitas, TY Fukuda, ...
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 25 (3), 286-295, 2021
Influence of stretching and strengthening of the iliopsoas associated with lumbar segmental stabilization exercises in patients with low back pain: the pilot study
CP Volpato, MAN Added, G Richter, V Tanaka, N Carvalho, D Freitas
pain 25, 27-32, 2014
Rotator cuff strength in subjects with shoulder impingement syndrome compared with the asymptomatic side
FB Marcondes, SG Rosa, RA Vasconcelos, A Basta, DG Freitas, ...
Acta Ortopédica Brasileira 19, 333-337, 2011
Profile of patients with acute low back pain who sought emergency departments: A cross-sectional study
IS Oliveira, AA Vanin, LOP Costa, FC Medeiros, RKA Oshima, AA Inácio, ...
Spine 45 (5), E296-E303, 2020
Tratamento fisioterapêutico na síndrome complexa de dor regional tipo I. Relato de caso
DP Artioli, HD Gualberto, DG Freitas, GR Bertolini
Rev Bras Clin Med 9 (1), 83-6, 2011
The long-term prognosis in people with recent onset low back pain from emergency departments: an inception cohort study
IS Oliveira, T da Silva, LOP Costa, FC Medeiros, RKA Oshima, ...
The Journal of Pain 22 (11), 1497-1505, 2021
The effects of myofascial trigger points, joint mobilization and cervical stabilization exercise in a patient with temporomandibular joint dysfunction: a case study
DG Freitas, ÍCO Pinheiro, K Vantin, NCM Meinrath, NAA Carvalho
Fisioterapia em Movimento 24, 33-38, 2011
Effects of a knee brace with a patellar hole versus without a patellar hole in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial
MAN Added, C Added, KT Kasawara, VP Rotta, DG de Freitas
Evaluation & the Health Professions 41 (4), 512-523, 2018
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