Julia Schnepf
Julia Schnepf
Ph.D. in Social Psychology
在 fernuni-hagen.de 的电子邮件经过验证
“It's a war! It's a battle! It's a fight!”: Do militaristic metaphors increase people's threat perceptions and support for COVID-19 policies?
J Schnepf, U Christmann
International Journal of Psychology, 2021
Left out—Feelings of social exclusion incite individuals with high conspiracy mentality to reject complex scientific messages
J Schnepf, A Lux, Z Jin, M Formanowicz
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 40 (5-6), 627-652, 2021
Measuring change in comparative policy analysis: concepts and empirical approaches
J Tosun, J Schnepf
Handbook of research methods and applications in comparative policy analysis …, 2020
Qualitative Metaanalyse mithilfe computergestützter qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse-am Beispiel von Lokale-Agenda-21-Prozessen
J Schnepf, N Groeben
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 20 (3), 20, 2019
Housing policy reframed? How conceptual framing affects support for social housing policies in Germany
J Schnepf, U Christmann, N Groeben
German Politics 32 (2), 381-402, 2023
Computer-Based Qualitative Content Analysis as an Instrument for Qualitative Meta-Analysis. The Case of the Local Agenda 21
J Schnepf, N Groeben
Forum: Qualitative Social Research 20 (3), 2019
Lokale-Agenda-21-Prozesse: förderliche und hinderliche Bedingungen
J Schnepf, N Groeben
Ökologisches Wirtschaften-Fachzeitschrift, 41-46, 2019
Does perceived scarcity of COVID-19 vaccines increase vaccination willingness? Results of an experimental study with German respondents in times of a national vaccine shortage
J Schnepf
PloS One 17 (9), 2022
Politisches Vertrauen während der Corona-Pandemie
E Bytzek, J Schnepf
Sozialer Fortschritt, 637-657, 2022
“Domestic Drama,”“Love Killing,” or “Murder”: Does the Framing of Femicides Affect Readers’ Emotional and Cognitive Responses to the Crime?
J Schnepf, U Christmann
Violence against women, 10778012231158103, 2023
The COVID-19 Framing Dataset: How Secondary Data Can Be Used to Explore Paradoxical Attitudes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
J Schnepf, N Groeben
Journal of Open Psychology Data 10 (1), 2022
Response to Schradin (2021): Egoism alone does not explain climate inaction
C Menzel, LS Loy, G Reese, J Schnepf
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (1), 16-17, 2022
Justice in the eye of the beholder: How comparison framing affects the perception of global inequality through social emotions and justice sensitivity
J Schnepf, G Reese, S Bruckmüller, M Braun, J Rotzinger, SE Martiny
PsyArXiv, 2021
The Replication Crisis as Mere Indicator of Two Fundamental Misalignments: Methodological Confirmation Bias in Hypothesis Testing and Anthropological Oversimplification in …
J Schnepf, N Groeben
Available at SSRN 4797750, 2024
Unequal Tweets: Black Disadvantage is (Re) tweeted More but Discussed Less Than White Privilege
A Malapally, A Blombach, P Heinrich, J Schnepf, S Bruckmüller
Political Communication 41 (1), 107-128, 2024
Auswirkungen impliziter Plausibilitätserwartungen über das Nachtatverhalten von Vergewaltigungsopfern auf die Glaubwürdigkeits-und Glaubhaftigkeitsbeurteilung durch Laien
S Jacobs, J Schnepf, M Wachendörfer, A Oeberst
RPsych Rechtspsychologie 9 (4), 468-489, 2023
Framing the Gender Gap in Sport Events (Study 3)
J Schnepf
OSF, 2023
The labelling of femicides and guilt reversal in the media coverage of misogynist crimes: Does framing make a difference?
J Schnepf
Psicologia sociale 18 (2), 217-242, 2023
Pandemiebewältigung aus wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Perspektive Gasteditorin: Charlotte Fechter
C Fechter, E Bytzek, J Schnepf, T Gerlinger, MC Krapp, H Cischinsky, ...
Sozialer Fortschritt 71, 9, 2022
Linguistic complexity as a stumbling block: Testing the effects of complex health information on people’s trust in science and prevention intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic
J Schnepf, A Lux, Z Jin, M Formanowicz
22nd Conference on Social and Community Psychology, Date: 2021/11/25-2021/11 …, 2021
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