Mikael Skillmark
Mikael Skillmark
Jönköping University
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Applying standardisation tools in social work practice from the perspectives of social workers, managers, and politicians: a Swedish case study: Användning av …
M Skillmark, L Oscarsson
European Journal of Social Work 23 (2), 265-276, 2020
Bridge over troubled water—closing the research–practice gap in social work
V Denvall, M Skillmark
The British Journal of Social Work 51 (7), 2722-2739, 2021
Uppdrag standardisering: införande och användning av manualbaserade utrednings-och bedömningsverktyg i socialtjänsten
M Skillmark
Linnaeus University Press, 2018
Genus i socialt arbete
C Kullberg, M Herz, J Fäldt, V Wallroth, M Skillmark
Liber, 2012
The pursuit of standardization in domestic violence social work: A multiple case study of how the idea of using risk assessment tools is manifested and processed in the Swedish …
M Skillmark, L Agevall Gross, C Kjellgren, V Denvall
Qualitative Social Work 18 (3), 458-474, 2019
The standardizers: social workers’ role when implementing assessment tools in the Swedish social services
M Skillmark, V Denvall
Nordic Social Work Research 8 (1), 88-99, 2018
Brottsoffer i indikatorland–Öppna jämförelser inom socialtjänstens brottsofferstödjande arbete
LA Gross, V Denvall, C Kjellgren, M Skillmark
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 22 (3-4), 2015
Reluctant Help-Seekers and Agentic Victims–Swedish Social Workers’ Talk about Young Men Victimised by Violence
C Kullberg, M Skillmark
Practice 29 (4), 259-277, 2017
The significance of position for Swedish social workers’ understanding of young men’s victimization of violence
C Kullberg, M Skillmark
Nordic social work research 7 (1), 54-66, 2017
Lost in comparison: a program theory analysis of performance measurement in social work
V Denvall, L Agevall Gross, C Kjellgren, M Skillmark
Nordic Social Work Research 11 (3), 249-263, 2021
" It’s about Living Like Everyone Else": Dichotomies of Housing Support in Swedish Mental Health Care
U Börjesson, M Skillmark, PH Bülow, P Bülow, M Vejklint, M Wilińska
Social Inclusion 9 (3), 276-285, 2021
Förståelse, bedömningar och hjälpinsatser: Socialarbetares arbete med män som våldsoffer
C Kullberg, M Skillmark, C Nord, A Pers, J Fäldt
Högskolan Dalarna, 2015
Effects of arts on prescription for persons with common mental disorders and/or musculoskeletal pain: A controlled study with 12 months follow-up
P Bergman, D Rusaw, PH Bülow, M Skillmark, I Jansson
Cogent Public Health 10 (1), 2234631, 2023
Balancing in the pandemic: how social workers respond to new risks when supporting clients who experience domestic violence
M Skillmark, V Denvall, C Kjellgren, J Thulin, L Agevall-Gross
European Journal of Social Work 26 (5), 935-947, 2023
The significance of context and victim–offender relationship for Swedish social workers’ understandings of young men’s violent victimization
M Skillmark, C Kullberg
International review of victimology 26 (3), 295-313, 2020
Riskbedömningens logiker i arbetet med mäns våld mot kvinnor
M Skillmark
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 24 (3-4), 2017
Att använda kommunikations-och dokumentationssystem i kommunal individ-och familjeomsorg: Exemplet BBIC
M Skillmark
A Swedish study about how staff reason and act when they suspect domestic abuse perpetrated by informal caregivers of persons with dementia
L Östlund, J Sandberg, M Skillmark, ME Bravell, L Johansson
European Journal of Social Work 27 (2), 387-400, 2024
Att stödja våldsutsatta män och kvinnor: former, omfattning och innehåll
M Skillmark, C Kullberg
Studentlitteratur AB, 2022
Arts on Prescription’s influence on Sense of Coherence: A one-year follow up controlled study with people having mental health problems
P Bergman, I Jansson, PH Bülow, DF Rusaw, M Skillmark, O Eriksson
Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health 6 (2), 1-19, 2024
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