Pernilla Broberg
Pernilla Broberg
PhD, Senior Associate Professor in Accounting & Auditing, Linköping University
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What explains the extent and content of social and environmental disclosures on corporate websites: a study of social and environmental reporting in Swedish listed corporations
T Tagesson, V Blank, P Broberg, SO Collin
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management 16 (6), 352-364, 2009
What explains variation in voluntary disclosure? A study of the annual reports of corporations listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange
P Broberg, T Tagesson, SO Collin
Journal of Management & Governance 14, 351-377, 2010
Explaining the influence of time budget pressure on audit quality in Sweden
P Broberg, T Tagesson, D Argento, N Gyllengahm, O Mårtensson
Journal of Management & Governance 21, 331-350, 2017
Balance between auditing and marketing: An explorative study
P Broberg, T Umans, C Gerlofstig
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 22 (1), 57-70, 2013
The Auditor at Work - A study of auditor practice in Big 4 audit firms
P Broberg
Företagsekonomiska inst., Lunds Universitet, 2013
Auditors’ professional and organizational identities and commercialization in audit firms
P Broberg, T Umans, P Skog, E Theodorsson
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 31 (2), 374-399, 2018
Exploring audit assistants’ decision to leave the audit profession
N Gertsson, J Sylvander, P Broberg, J Friberg
Managerial Auditing Journal 32 (9), 879-898, 2017
Feeling well by being together: Study of Swedish auditors
T Umans, P Broberg, M Schmidt, S Nilsson, E Olsson
Work 54 (1), 79-86, 2016
What do auditors do?
P Broberg
Mercury Magazine 2 (5-6), 102-107, 2013
Why reduce profit? Accounting choice of impairments in Swedish listed corporations
P Broberg, SOY Collin, T Tagesson, M Axelsson, C Schéle
International Journal of Accounting and Finance 3 (1), 49-71, 2011
The auditor as consigliere in family firm
SOY Collin, J Ahlberg, K Berg, P Broberg, A Karlsson
Journal of Family Business Management 7 (1), 2-20, 2017
Antecedents of psychological well-being among Swedish audit firm employees
P Broberg, T Tagesson, T Uman
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (10), 3346, 2020
Mechanisms of corporate governance going international: Testing its performance effects in the Swedish economy, 2004
SOY Collin, E Smith, T Umans, P Broberg, T Tagesson
Baltic Journal of Management 8 (1), 79-101, 2013
The new generation of auditors meeting praxis: Dual learning’s role in audit students’ professional development
L Agevall, P Broberg, T Umans
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 62 (2), 307-324, 2018
Auditors’ professional and organisational identities and perceived commercialisation in audit firms
P Broberg, T Umans, P Skog, T Emily
European Accounting Association 37th Annual Congress, Tallinn, Estonia, May …, 2014
Commercialization of audit firms and auditors’ subjective well-being
Y Ponomareva, T Uman, P Broberg, E Vinberg, K Karlsson
Meditari Accountancy Research 28 (4), 565-585, 2020
Exploring motivational drivers of audit employees-a study focusing on generation Y
N Gertsson, P Broberg, J Friberg, J Sylvander
Journal of Accounting and Finance 8 (2), 89-105, 2018
Exploring the antecedents of the mental health of business professionals in Sweden
T Uman, P Broberg, T Tagesson
Work 67 (3), 665-669, 2020
Explaining municipal audit costs: Considering the principal
V Blank, SOY Collin, T Tagesson, P Broberg
Halmstad University, 2009
Vad förklarar variationer i frivillig information?
P Broberg
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