Gen Motojima
Gen Motojima
核融合科学研究所 准教授、総合研究大学院大学 准教授
在 nifs.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Extension of the operational regime of the LHD towards a deuterium experiment
Y Takeiri, T Morisaki, M Osakabe, M Yokoyama, S Sakakibara, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102023, 2017
Current status of large helical device and its prospect for deuterium experiment
M Osakabe, Y Takeiri, T Morisaki, G Motojima, K Ogawa, M Isobe, ...
Fusion Science and Technology 72 (3), 199-210, 2017
H-mode confinement of Heliotron J
F Sano, T Mizuuchi, K Kondo, K Nagasaki, H Okada, S Kobayashi, ...
Nuclear fusion 45 (12), 1557, 2005
Development of net-current free heliotron plasmas in the Large Helical Device
A Komori, H Yamada, S Sakakibara, O Kaneko, K Kawahata, T Mutoh, ...
Nuclear fusion 49 (10), 104015, 2009
Preparation and commissioning for the LHD deuterium experiment
M Osakabe, M Isobe, M Tanaka, G Motojima, K Tsumori, M Yokoyama, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (6), 2324-2331, 2018
Plasma wall interaction in long-pulse helium discharge in LHD–Microscopic modification of the wall surface and its impact on particle balance and impurity generation
M Tokitani, H Kasahara, S Masuzaki, G Motojima, M Shoji, Y Ueda, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 463, 91-98, 2015
Extension of operation regimes and investigation of three-dimensional currentless plasmas in the Large Helical Device
O Kaneko, H Yamada, S Inagaki, M Jakubowski, S Kajita, S Kitajima, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104015, 2013
Control of non-inductive current in Heliotron J
G Motojima, K Nagasaki, M Nosaku, H Okada, KY Watanabe, T Mizuuchi, ...
Nuclear fusion 47 (8), 1045, 2007
Direct extrapolation of radial profile data to a self-ignited fusion reactor based on the gyro-Bohm model
J Miyazawa, T Goto, T Morisaki, M Goto, R Sakamoto, G Motojima, ...
Fusion engineering and design 86 (12), 2879-2885, 2011
Initial experiments towards edge plasma control with a closed helical divertor in LHD
T Morisaki, S Masuzaki, M Kobayashi, M Shoji, J Miyazawa, R Sakamoto, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (6), 063014, 2013
Observation of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in Heliotron J plasmas
S Yamamoto, K Nagasaki, Y Suzuki, T Mizuuchi, H Okada, S Kobayashi, ...
Fusion science and technology 51 (1), 92-96, 2007
Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X
TS Pedersen, I Abramovic, P Agostinetti, MA Torres, S Äkäslompolo, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042022, 2022
Development of impurity seeding and radiation enhancement in the helical divertor of LHD
K Mukai, S Masuzaki, BJ Peterson, T Akiyama, M Kobayashi, C Suzuki, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (8), 083016, 2015
Twenty barrel in situ pipe gun type solid hydrogen pellet injector for the Large Helical Device
R Sakamoto, G Motojima, H Hayashi, T Inoue, Y Ito, H Ogawa, S Takami, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (8), 2013
Steady-state operation using a dipole mode ion cyclotron heating antenna and 77 GHz electron cyclotron heating in the Large Helical Device
T Mutoh, T Seki, R Kumazawa, K Saito, H Kasahara, R Seki, S Kubo, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (6), 063017, 2013
Modelling of the pellet deposition profile and∇ B-induced drift displacement in non-axisymmetric configurations
A Matsuyama, F Koechl, B Pégourié, R Sakamoto, G Motojima, H Yamada
Nuclear Fusion 52 (12), 123017, 2012
Global helium particle balance in LHD
G Motojima, S Masuzaki, M Tokitani, H Kasahara, Y Yoshimura, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 463, 1080-1083, 2015
Stabilization of energetic-ion-driven MHD modes by ECCD in Heliotron J
K Nagasaki, S Yamamoto, S Kobayashi, K Sakamoto, Y Nagae, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (11), 113041, 2013
Overview of MAST results
IT Chapman, J Adamek, RJ Akers, S Allan, L Appel, O Asunta, M Barnes, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (10), 104008, 2015
Transition between isotope-mixing and nonmixing states in hydrogen-deuterium mixture plasmas
K Ida, M Nakata, K Tanaka, M Yoshinuma, Y Fujiwara, R Sakamoto, ...
Physical review letters 124 (2), 025002, 2020
文章 1–20