Philip Pugliese
Philip Pugliese
Prova Group LLC + Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority
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Impact of COVID-19 on public transit accessibility and ridership
M Wilbur, A Ayman, A Sivagnanam, A Ouyang, V Poon, R Kabir, A Vadali, ...
Transportation research record 2677 (4), 531-546, 2023
A review and outlook of energy consumption estimation models for electric vehicles
Y Chen, G Wu, R Sun, A Dubey, A Laszka, P Pugliese
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12873, 2020
Hybrid electric buses fuel consumption prediction based on real-world driving data
R Sun, Y Chen, A Dubey, P Pugliese
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 91, 102637, 2021
Data-driven prediction and optimization of energy use for transit fleets of electric and ICE vehicles
A Ayman, A Sivagnanam, M Wilbur, P Pugliese, A Dubey, A Laszka
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 22 (1), 1-29, 2021
An online approach to solve the dynamic vehicle routing problem with stochastic trip requests for paratransit services
M Wilbur, SU Kadir, Y Kim, G Pettet, A Mukhopadhyay, P Pugliese, ...
2022 ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS …, 2022
Data-driven prediction of route-level energy use for mixed-vehicle transit fleets
A Ayman, M Wilbur, A Sivagnanam, P Pugliese, A Dubey, A Laszka
2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 41-48, 2020
Transit-gym: A simulation and evaluation engine for analysis of bus transit systems
R Sun, R Gui, H Neema, Y Chen, J Ugirumurera, J Severino, P Pugliese, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 69-76, 2021
Minimizing energy use of mixed-fleet public transit for fixed-route service
A Sivagnanam, A Ayman, M Wilbur, P Pugliese, A Dubey, A Laszka
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (17), 14930 …, 2021
Offline vehicle routing problem with online bookings: A novel problem formulation with applications to paratransit
A Sivagnanam, SU Kadir, A Mukhopadhyay, P Pugliese, A Dubey, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11992, 2022
Energy and emission prediction for mixed-vehicle transit fleets using multi-task and inductive transfer learning
M Wilbur, A Mukhopadhyay, S Vazirizade, P Pugliese, A Laszka, A Dubey
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Applied Data Science …, 2021
Neural architecture and feature search for predicting the ridership of public transportation routes
A Ayman, J Martinez, P Pugliese, A Dubey, A Laszka
2022 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 56-61, 2022
E-transit-bench: simulation platform for analyzing electric public transit bus fleet operations.
R Sen, AK Bharati, S Khaleghian, M Ghosal, M Wilbur, T Tran, P Pugliese, ...
e-Energy, 532-541, 2022
Investigating the preferences of local residents toward a proposed bus network redesign in Chattanooga, Tennessee
A Ziedan, C Crossland, C Brakewood, P Pugliese, H Ooi
Transportation Research Record 2675 (10), 825-840, 2021
Efficient data management for intelligent urban mobility systems
M Wilbur, P Pugliese, A Laszka, A Dubey
Proceedings of the Workshop on Data-Driven and Intelligent Cyber-Physical …, 2021
Impact of COVID-19 on public transit accessibility and ridership. 2020
M Wilbur, A Ayman, A Ouyang, V Poon, R Kabir, A Vadali, P Pugliese, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02413, 2008
Rolling horizon based temporal decomposition for the offline pickup and delivery problem with time windows
Y Kim, D Edirimanna, M Wilbur, P Pugliese, A Laszka, A Dubey, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (4), 5151-5159, 2023
BTE-Sim: Fast simulation environment for public transportation
R Sen, T Tran, S Khaleghian, P Pugliese, M Sartipi, H Neema, A Dubey
2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2886-2894, 2022
Mobility-On-Demand Transportation: A System for Microtransit and Paratransit Operations
M Wilbur, M Coursey, P Koirala, Z Al-Quran, P Pugliese, A Dubey
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Cyber-Physical …, 2023
Addressing apc data sparsity in predicting occupancy and delay of transit buses: A multitask learning approach
AB Zulqarnain, S Gupta, JP Talusan, D Freudberg, P Pugliese, ...
2023 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 17-24, 2023
Designing Equitable Transit Networks
S Pavia, J Mori, A Sharma, P Pugliese, A Dubey, S Samaranayake, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12007, 2022
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