Lucile Rossi
Lucile Rossi
Professeure, UMR Université de Corse - CNRS
在 univ-corse.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Computer vision for wildfire research: An evolving image dataset for processing and analysis
T Toulouse, L Rossi, A Campana, T Celik, MA Akhloufi
Fire Safety Journal 92, 188-194, 2017
Automatic fire pixel detection using image processing: a comparative analysis of rule-based and machine learning-based methods
T Toulouse, L Rossi, T Celik, M Akhloufi
Signal, Image and Video Processing 10, 647-654, 2016
Instrumentation of wildland fire: characterisation of a fire spreading through a Mediterranean shrub
PA Santoni, A Simeoni, JL Rossi, F Bosseur, F Morandini, X Silvani, ...
Fire Safety Journal 41 (3), 171-184, 2006
Fire spread experiment across Mediterranean shrub: Influence of wind on flame front properties
F Morandini, X Silvani, L Rossi, PA Santoni, A Simeoni, JH Balbi, JL Rossi, ...
Fire Safety Journal 41 (3), 229-235, 2006
On the use of stereovision to develop a novel instrumentation system to extract geometric fire fronts characteristics
L Rossi, M Akhloufi, Y Tison
Fire Safety Journal 46 (1-2), 9-20, 2011
Benchmarking of wildland fire colour segmentation algorithms
T Toulouse, L Rossi, M Akhloufi, T Celik, X Maldague
IET Image Processing 9 (12), 1064-1072, 2015
Autonomous flame detection in videos with a Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture color model
Z Li, LS Mihaylova, O Isupova, L Rossi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (3), 1146-1154, 2017
A 3D vision system for the measurement of the rate of spread and the height of fire fronts
L Rossi, T Molinier, M Akhloufi, Y Tison, A Pieri
Measurement Science and Technology 21 (10), 105501, 2010
Identification of polyphonic piano signals
L Rossi, G Girolami, M Leca
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 83 (6), 1077-1084, 1997
Experimental study of laminar flames obtained by the homogenization of three forest fuels
V Tihay, A Simeoni, PA Santoni, L Rossi, JP Garo, JP Vantelon
International journal of thermal sciences 48 (3), 488-501, 2009
Dynamic fire 3D modeling using a real-time stereovision system
L Rossi, M Akhloufi
Technological Developments in Education and Automation, 33-38, 2009
A multimodal 3D framework for fire characteristics estimation
T Toulouse, L Rossi, MA Akhloufi, A Pieri, X Maldague
Measurement Science and Technology 29 (2), 025404, 2018
FIRe-GAN: a novel deep learning-based infrared-visible fusion method for wildfire imagery
JF Ciprián-Sánchez, G Ochoa-Ruiz, M Gonzalez-Mendoza, L Rossi
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-13, 2023
A human-like visual-attention-based artificial vision system for wildland firefighting assistance
K Madani, V Kachurka, C Sabourin, V Amarger, V Golovko, L Rossi
Applied Intelligence 48, 2157-2179, 2018
DIMZAL: a software tool to compute acceptable safety distance
PA Bisgambiglia, JL Rossi, R Franceschini, FJ Chatelon, L Rossi, ...
Open Journal of Forestry 7, 11-33, 2017
Measurement of the geometric characteristics of a fire front by stereovision techniques on field experiments
L Rossi, T Molinier, A Pieri, M Akhloufi, Y Tison, F Bosseur
Measurement Science and Technology 22 (12), 125504, 2011
Identification de sons polyphoniques de piano
L Rossi
Ph. D. Thesis, L'Universite de Corse, France, 1998
Advanced stereovision system for fire spreading study
L Rossi, T Molinier, M Akhloufi, A Pieri, Y Tison
Fire safety journal 60, 64-72, 2013
Estimation of spreading fire geometrical characteristics using near infrared stereovision
L Rossi, T Toulouse, M Akhloufi, A Pieri, Y Tison
Three-Dimensional Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications 2013 8650, 65-72, 2013
Assessing the impact of the loss function, architecture and image type for deep learning-based wildfire segmentation
JF Ciprian-Sanchez, G Ochoa-Ruiz, L Rossi, F Morandini
Applied Sciences 11 (15), 7046, 2021
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