Anastasia Christodoulou
Anastasia Christodoulou
Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece
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Identifying the main opportunities and challenges from the implementation of a port energy management system: A SWOT/PESTLE analysis
A Christodoulou, K Cullinane
Sustainability 11 (21), 6046, 2019
Shipping in the era of digitalization: Mapping the future strategic plans of major maritime commercial actors
Y Ichimura, D Dalaklis, M Kitada, A Christodoulou
Digital Business 2 (1), 100022, 2022
Targeting the reduction of shipping emissions to air - A global review and taxonomy of policies, incentives and measures
A Christodoulou, M Gonzalez-Aregall, T Linde, I Vierth, K Cullinane
Maritime Business Review, 2019
Inclusion of shipping in the EU-ETS: Assessing the direct costs for the maritime sector using the MRV data
A Christodoulou, D Dalaklis, AI Ölçer, P Ghaforian Masodzadeh
Energies 14 (13), 3915, 2021
Potential for, and drivers of, private voluntary initiatives for the decarbonisation of short sea shipping: evidence from a Swedish ferry line
A Christodoulou, K Cullinane
Maritime Economics & Logistics 23 (4), 632-654, 2021
Barriers and Enablers for Short Sea Shipping in the Southern African Development Community
A Konstantinus, M Zuidgeest, A Christodoulou, Z Raza, J Woxenius
Sustainability 11 (6), 1532, 2019
Environmental awareness and practice concerning maritime air emissions: the case of the Greek shipping industry
C Giziakis, A Christodoulou
Maritime Policy & Management 39 (3), 353-368, 2012
The Integration of RoRo Shipping in Sustainable Intermodal Transport Chains: The Case of a North European RoRo Service
A Christodoulou, Z Raza, J Woxenius
Sustainability 11 (8), 2422, 2019
Potential alternative fuel pathways for compliance with the ‘FuelEU Maritime Initiative’
A Christodoulou, K Cullinane
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 112, 103492, 2022
Maritime Governance and International Maritime Organization instruments focused on sustainability in the light of United Nations’ sustainable development goals
A Christodoulou, J Echebarria Fernández
Sustainability in the Maritime Domain: Towards Ocean Governance and Beyond …, 2021
Sustainable Short Sea Shipping
A Christodoulou, J Woxenius
Sustainability 11 (10), 2847, 2019
Can Market-based Measures Stimulate Investments in Green Technologies for the Abatement of GHG Emissions from Shipping? A Review of Proposed Market-based Measures
A Christodoulou, D Dalaklis, A Ölcer, F Ballini
Transactions on Maritime Science 10 (1), 2021
A review on barriers to and solutions for shipping decarbonization: What could be the best policy approach for shipping decarbonization?
PG Masodzadeh, AI Ölçer, F Ballini, A Christodoulou
Marine Pollution Bulletin 184, 114008, 2022
Determinant factors for the development of maritime supply chains: the case of the Swedish forest industry
A Christodoulou, H Kappelin
Case Studies on Transport Policy 8 (3), 711-720, 2020
How to bridge the short-term measures to the Market Based Measure? Proposal of a new hybrid MBM based on a new standard in ship operation
PG Masodzadeh, AI Ölçer, F Ballini, A Christodoulou
Transport Policy 118, 123-142, 2022
The Northwest Passage in the Arctic: A Brief Assessment of the Relevant Marine Transportation System and Current Availability of Search and Rescue Services
R Sheehan, D Dalaklis, A Christodoulou, M Drewniak, P Raneri, ...
Logistics 5 (2), 23, 2021
An overview of the legal search and rescue framework and related infrastructure along the Arctic Northeast Passage
A Christodoulou, D Dalaklis, P Raneri, R Sheehan
Marine Policy 138, 104985, 2022
The port of gothenburg under the influence of the fourth stage of the industrial revolution: Implementing a wide portfolio of digital tools to optimize the conduct of operations
D Dalaklis, A Christodoulou, AI Ölcer, F Ballini, A Dalaklis, K Lagdami
Maritime Technology and Research 4 (3), 253844-253844, 2022
A future regulatory framework for CO2 emissions of shipping in the Mediterranean Area
A Goulielmos, C Giziakis, A Christodoulou
International Journal of Euro–Mediterranean Studies 4 (1), 39-60, 2011
Maritime Environmental Performance Indices: Useful Tools for Evaluating Transport Supplier Environmental Performance?
A Christodoulou
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment 187, 187-198, 2019
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