Kareen Tonsing
Kareen Tonsing
Associate Professor of Social Work, Oakland University
在 oakland.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Assessing social support among South Asians: The multidimensional scale of perceived social support
K Tonsing, GD Zimet, S Tse
Asian journal of psychiatry 5 (2), 164-168, 2012
Psychometric properties and validation of Nepali version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21)
KN Tonsing
Asian Journal of Psychiatry 8, 63-66, 2014
Understanding the role of patriarchal ideology in intimate partner violence among South Asian women in Hong Kong
JC Tonsing, KN Tonsing
International Social Work, doi: 10.1177/0020872817712566, 2017
Psychological Distress, Coping and Perceived Social Support in Social Work Students
M Vungkhanching, JC Tonsing, KN Tonsing
The British Journal of Social Work 15 ((3-4)), 370-384, 2016
Predictors of psychological adaptation of South Asian immigrants in Hong Kong
KN Tonsing
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 37 (2), 238-248, 2013
A review of mental health literacy in Singapore
KN Tonsing
Social Work in Health Care; doi:10.1080/0098 57 (1), 27-47, 2018
Acculturation and adaptation of first‐and second‐generation S outh A sians in H ong K ong
KN Tonsing
International journal of social welfare 23 (4), 410-420, 2014
Quality of Life, Self-Esteem, and Future Expectations of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors
KN Tonsing, R Ow
Health & social work 43 (1), 15-21, 2018
Acculturation, perceived discrimination, and psychological distress: Experiences of South Asians in Hong Kong
KN Tonsing, S Tse, JC Tonsing
Transcultural Psychiatry 53 (1), 124-144, 2016
Assessing psychological distress in cancer patients: The use of Distress Thermometer in an outpatient hematology treatment center.
KN Tonsing, M Vungkhanching
Social Work in Health Care 57 (2), 126-136., 2018
Domestic violence, social support, coping and depressive symptomatology among South Asian women in Hong Kong
KN Tonsing, JC Tonsing, T Orbuch
Journal of loss and trauma 26 (2), 134-152, 2021
The relationship between postmigration living difficulties, social support, and psychological distress of Burmese refugees in the United States.
KN Tonsing, M Vungkhanching
Asian American Journal of Psychology 11 (3), 179, 2020
Instructor Immediacy and Statistics Anxiety in Social Work Undergraduate Students
KN Tonsing
Social Work Education 37 (2), 223-233, 2018
Families and family therapy in Hong Kong
S Tse, RMK Ng, KN Tonsing, M Ran
International Review of Psychiatry 24 (2), 115-120, 2012
Exploring South Asian women’s experiences of domestic violence and help-seeking within the sociocultural context in Hong Kong
KN Tonsing, JC Tonsing
Violence against women 25 (12), 1417-1432, 2019
Savings attitude and behavior in children participating in a matched savings program in Singapore
KN Tonsing, C Ghoh
Children and Youth Services Review 98, 17-23, 2019
Social workers’ perceived role clarity as members of an interdisciplinary team in brain injury settings
M Vungkhanching, KN Tonsing
Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation 15 (3-4), 370-384, 2016
A study of acculturation and adaptation of South Asians in Hong Kong
KN Tonsing
The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2010
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support among resettled burmese in the United States
KN Tonsing
British Journal of Social Work 52 (7), 4077-4088, 2022
A mixed-method study of stress and coping strategies among university social work students in the United States
KN Tonsing, JC Tonsing
Social Work Education 41 (6), 1222-1238, 2022
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