Hannah Mullings
Hannah Mullings
Research Fellow, University of Manchester
在 manchester.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Assessment of dependency of unsteady onset flow and resultant tidal turbine fatigue loads on measurement position at a tidal site
H Mullings, T Stallard
Energies 14 (17), 5470, 2021
Analysis of tidal turbine blade loading due to blade scale flow
H Mullings, T Stallard
Journal of Fluids and Structures 114, 103698, 2022
Operational loads on a tidal turbine due to environmental conditions
HR Mullings, TJ Stallard, GS Payne
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-17-529, 2017
Tidal turbine benchmarking project: Stage I-Steady flow blind predictions
RHJ Willden, X Chen, SW Harvey, H Edwards, CR Vogel, K Bhavsar, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States) 15 …, 2023
Establishing confidence in predictions of fatigue loading for floating tidal turbines based on large-eddy simulations and unsteady blade element momentum
P Ouro, H Mullings, T Stallard
Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore, 915-924, 2022
Unsteady loading in a tidal array due to simulated turbulent onset flow
H Mullings, T Stallard
Advances in renewable energies offshore—proceedings of the 3rd …, 2018
Assessment of tidal turbine load cycles using synthesised load spectra, including blade-scale fluctuations
H Mullings, T Stallard
Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 1-9, 2019
Tidal turbine benchmarking project: Stage I-steady flow experiments
SWT Harvey, X Chen, D Rowe, J McNaughton, CR Vogel, K Bhavsar, ...
The 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2023
High-fidelity modelling of a six-turbine tidal array in the Shetlands
P Ouro, P Stansby, A Macleod, T Stallard, H Mullings
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 15, 2023
Experimental Investigation into Unsteady Loads on Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines, in ‘12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference’
GS Payne, T Stallard, HR Mullings, R Martinez
Cork, Ireland, 2017
Wake characteristics behind a tidal turbine with surface waves in turbulent flow analyzed with large-eddy simulation
P Ouro, H Mullings, A Christou, S Draycott, T Stallard
Physical Review Fluids 9 (3), 034608, 2024
Evaluation of model predictions of the unsteady tidal stream resource and turbine fatigue loads relative to multi-point flow measurements at Raz Blanchard
H Mullings, S Draycott, J Thiébot, S Guillou, P Mercier, J Hardwick, ...
Energies 16 (20), 7057, 2023
Turbine fatigue load prediction from field measurements of waves and turbulence
H Mullings, S Draycott, T Stallard
Proceedings of the Proceedings of 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy …, 2023
Characterisation of turbulent flow and the wake of a tidal stream turbine in proximity to a ridge
S Hurubi, T Stallard, P Stansby, H Mullings, P Ouro
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 15, 2023
Large-eddy simulations of interaction between surface waves and a tidal turbine wake in a turbulent channel
T Stallard, H Mullings, S Draycott, P Ouro
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 15, 2023
Impact of spatially varying flow conditions on the prediction of fatigue loads of a tidal turbine
H Mullings, T Stallard
International Marine Energy Journal 5 (1), 103-111, 2022
Overview of resource and turbine modelling in the Tidal Stream Industry Energiser Project: TIGER
E Mackay, J Hardwick, P Thies, J Thiébot, P Mercier, M Grondeau, ...
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), 15, 2023
Tidal Benchmarking Project Dataset: R001
S Harvey, X Chen, K Bhavsar, T Allsop, I Benson, H Mullings, T Stallard, ...
University of Oxford, 2022
Operational Loads on a Tidal Turbine
HR Mullings
The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 2020
Numerical study of the effect of a ridge on the wake and loading of a tidal stream turbine
S Hurubi, T Stallard, H Mullings, P Stansby, P Ouro
Journal of Fluids and Structures 129, 104158, 2024
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