Spectral methods for differential problems CI Gheorghiu Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2007 | 73 | 2007 |
Spectral methods for non-standard eigenvalue problems: fluid and structural mechanics and beyond CI Gheorghiu Springer Science & Business, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
Spectral methods in linear stability. Applications to thermal convection with variable gravity field CI Gheorghiu, FI Dragomirescu Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (6), 1290-1302, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
A modified Chebyshev-tau method for a hydrodynamic stability problem CI Gheorghiu, IS Pop Proceedings of ICAOR 2, 119-126, 1996 | 27 | 1996 |
Spectral collocation for multiparameter eigenvalue problems arising from separable boundary value problems B Plestenjak, CI Gheorghiu, ME Hochstenbach Journal of Computational Physics 298, 585-601, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Spectral collocation solutions to multiparameter Mathieu’s system CI Gheorghiu, ME Hochstenbach, B Plestenjak, J Rommes Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (24), 11990-12000, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Analytical and numerical solutions to an electrohydrodynamic stability problem FI Dragomirescu, CI Gheorghiu Applied mathematics and computation 216 (12), 3718-3727, 2010 | 14 | 2010 |
Application of the Jacobi–Davidson method to accurate analysis of singular linear hydrodynamic stability problems CI Gheorghiu, J Rommes International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 71 (3), 358-369, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
Stable spectral collocation solutions to a class of Benjamin Bona Mahony initial value problems CI Gheorghiu Applied Mathematics and Computation 273, 1090-1099, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Pseudospectral solutions to some singular nonlinear BVPs. Applications in nonlinear mechanics. CI Gheorghiu Numerical Algorithms 68, 1–14, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
A Chebyshev-Galerkin method for fourth order problems IS Pop, CI Gheorghiu Proceedings of ICAOR 2, 217-220, 1997 | 10 | 1997 |
Surface mobility of surfactant solutions XI. Numerical analysis for the Marangoni and gravity flow in a thin liquid layer of triangular section E Chifu, CI Gheorghiu, I Stan Rev. Roumaine Chim 29 (1), 31-42, 1984 | 10 | 1984 |
Spectral Collocation Solutions to Problems on Unbounded Domains CI Gheorghiu Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Accurate spectral solutions to a phase-field transition system CI Gheorghiu, C Morosanu ROMAI J 10 (2), 89-99, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Accurate spectral collocation computation of high order eigenvalues for singular Schrödinger equations CI Gheorghiu Computation 9 (1), 2, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Laguerre collocation solutions to boundary layer type problems CI Gheorghiu Numerical Algorithms 64, 385-401, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Electrical Conductivity of Vitreous 75 % V205-25 % (As203-B203) E Culea, A Nicula, CI Gheorghiu Physica Status (a)-Applications and Material Science 96, K85-K88, 1986 | 7* | 1986 |
Effects of surfactants on an undeformable drop initially at rest I Stan, CI Gheorghiu, Z Kása Studia Univ Babes-Bolyai, Math 38, 113-126, 1993 | 6 | 1993 |
On the numerical treatment of the eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions CI Gheorghiu Numerical Algorithms 77 (1), 77-93, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
The numerical approximation to positive solution for some reaction-diffusion problems CI Gheorghiu, D Trif Pure Mathematics and Applications 11 (2), 243-253, 2000 | 5 | 2000 |