Rüdiger Zwerenz
Rüdiger Zwerenz
Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
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Ready for eHealth? Health professionals’ acceptance and adoption of eHealth interventions in inpatient routine care
S Hennemann, ME Beutel, R Zwerenz
Journal of health communication 22 (3), 274-284, 2017
Age-and sex-standardised prevalence rates of fatigue in a large hospital-based sample of cancer patients
S Singer, S Kuhnt, R Zwerenz, K Eckert, D Hofmeister, A Dietz, ...
British journal of cancer 105 (3), 445-451, 2011
Drivers and barriers to acceptance of web-based aftercare of patients in inpatient routine care: a cross-sectional survey
S Hennemann, ME Beutel, R Zwerenz
Journal of medical Internet research 18 (12), e337, 2016
Online self-help as an add-on to inpatient psychotherapy: efficacy of a new blended treatment approach
R Zwerenz, J Becker, RJ Knickenberg, M Siepmann, K Hagen, ME Beutel
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 86 (6), 341-350, 2017
Prevalence, correlates, and predictors of depersonalization experiences in the German general population
M Michal, J Wiltink, C Subic-Wrana, R Zwerenz, I Tuin, M Lichy, E Brähler, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 197 (7), 499-506, 2009
Efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) with depressed breast cancer patients: results of a randomized controlled multicenter trial
ME Beutel, G Weißflog, K Leuteritz, J Wiltink, A Haselbacher, C Ruckes, ...
Annals of oncology 25 (2), 378-384, 2014
A case series of 223 patients with depersonalization-derealization syndrome
M Michal, J Adler, J Wiltink, I Reiner, R Tschan, K Wölfling, S Weimert, ...
BMC psychiatry 16, 1-11, 2016
Screening nach Depersonalisation-Derealisation mittels zweier Items der Cambridge Depersonalisation Scale
M Michal, R Zwerenz, R Tschan, J Edinger, M Lichy, A Knebel, I Tuin, ...
PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie 60 (05), 175-179, 2010
Changes in quality of life in visually impaired patients after low-vision rehabilitation
G Renieri, S Pitz, N Pfeiffer, ME Beutel, R Zwerenz
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 36 (1), 48-55, 2013
Vocational training integrated into inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation–short and long-term results from a controlled study
ME Beutel, R Zwerenz, F Bleichner, A Vorndran, D Gustson, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 27 (15), 891-900, 2005
Base rates for depersonalization according to the 2-item version of the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS-2) and its associations with depression/anxiety in the general …
M Michal, H Glaesmer, R Zwerenz, A Knebel, J Wiltink, E Brähler, ...
Journal of affective disorders 128 (1-2), 106-111, 2011
Transdiagnostic, psychodynamic web-based self-help intervention following inpatient psychotherapy: results of a feasibility study and randomized controlled trial
R Zwerenz, J Becker, R Johansson, RJ Frederick, G Andersson, ...
JMIR mental health 4 (4), e7889, 2017
Evaluation of a transdiagnostic psychodynamic online intervention to support return to work: A randomized controlled trial
R Zwerenz, J Becker, K Gerzymisch, M Siepmann, M Holme, U Kiwus, ...
PloS one 12 (5), e0176513, 2017
Kandidaten in psychotherapeutischer Ausbildung
Y Barthel, J Lebiger-Vogel, R Zwerenz, ME Beutel, M Leuzinger-Bohleber, ...
Forum der Psychoanalyse 1 (26), 87-100, 2010
Psychodynamic focal group treatment for psychosomatic inpatients–with an emphasis on work-related conflicts
ME Beutel, RJ Knickenberg, B Krug, S Mund, L Schattenburg, R Zwerenz
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy 56 (3), 285-306, 2006
Acceptance and barriers to access of occupational e-mental health: cross-sectional findings from a health-risk population of employees
S Hennemann, M Witthöft, M Bethge, K Spanier, ME Beutel, R Zwerenz
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 91, 305-316, 2018
Mini-social phobia inventory (mini-SPIN): psychometric properties and population based norms of the German version
J Wiltink, S Kliem, M Michal, C Subic-Wrana, I Reiner, ME Beutel, ...
BMC psychiatry 17, 1-10, 2017
Motivation zur psychosomatisch-psychotherapeutischen Bearbeitung von beruflichen Belastungen-Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens
R Zwerenz, RJ Knickenberg, L Schattenburg, ME Beutel
Die Rehabilitation 44 (01), 14-23, 2005
Improving the course of depressive symptoms after inpatient psychotherapy using adjunct web-based self-help: follow-up results of a randomized controlled trial
R Zwerenz, C Baumgarten, J Becker, A Tibubos, M Siepmann, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (10), e13655, 2019
Psychosocial stress impairs health behavior in patients with mental disorders
TF Beutel, R Zwerenz, M Michal
BMC psychiatry 18, 1-13, 2018
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