Bee Yeap
Bee Yeap
University of Southampton
在 zepler.net 的电子邮件经过验证
Turbo coding, turbo equalisation and space-time coding
L Hanzo, TH Liew, BL Yeap
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
Radial basis function-assisted turbo equalization
MS Yee, BL Yeap, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 51 (4), 664-675, 2003
A turbo detection and sphere-packing-modulation-aided space-time coding scheme
OR Alamri, BL Yeap, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56 (2), 575-582, 2007
Comparative study of turbo equalization schemes using convolutional, convolutional turbo, and block-turbo codes
BL Yeap, TH Liew, J Hamorsky, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 1 (2), 266-273, 2002
Reduced complexity in-phase/quadrature-phase M-QAM turbo equalization using iterative channel estimation
BL Yeap, CH Wong, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless communications 2 (1), 2-10, 2003
Turbo detection of channel-coded space-time signals using sphere packing modulation
O Alamri, BL Yeap, L Hanzo
IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 4, 2498-2502, 2004
Concatenated space-time block codes and TCM, turbo TCM, convolutional as well as turbo codes
TH Liew, J Pliquett, BL Yeap, LL Yang, L Hanzo
Globecom'00-IEEE. Global Telecommunications Conference. Conference Record …, 2000
Turbo convolutional coding
L Hanzo, TH Liew, BL Yeap
Wiley-IEEE Press, 2002
Comparative study of space time block codes and various concatenated turbo coding schemes
TH Liew, J Pliquett, BL Yeap, LL Yang, L Hanzo
11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2000
Full-rate, full-diversity adaptive space time block coding for transmission over Rayleigh fading channels
SX Ng, BL Yeap, L Hanzo
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 2, 1210-1214, 2005
Wideband burst-by-burst adaptive modulation with turbo equalization and iterative channel estimation
CH Wong, BL Yeap, L Hanzo
VTC2000-Spring. 2000 IEEE 51st Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings …, 2000
Reduced complexity in-phase/quadrature-phase turbo equalisation using iterative channel estimation
BL Yeap, CH Wong, L Hanzo
ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record …, 2001
Comparative study of turbo equalisers using convolutional codes and block-based turbo codes for GMSK modulation
BL Yeap, TH Liew, J Hamorsky, L Hanzo
Gateway to 21st Century Communications Village. VTC 1999-Fall. IEEE VTS 50th …, 1999
Turbo equalization of serially concatenated systematic convolutional codes and systematic space time trellis codes
BL Yeap, TH Liew, L Hanzo
IEEE VTS 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference, Spring 2001. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
Turbo-coded adaptive modulation versus space-time trellis codes for transmission over dispersive channels
TH Liew, BL Yeap, CH Wong, L Hanzo
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 3 (6), 2019-2029, 2004
Modified MAP algorithm for extended turbo BCH codes and turbo equalisers
TH Liew, BL Yeap, J Woodard, L Hanzo
IET Digital Library, 2000
Non-iterative joint channel equalisation and channel decoding
A Knickenberg, BL Yeap, J Hamorsky, M Breiling, L Hanzo
Seamless Interconnection for Universal Services. Global Telecommunications …, 1999
Reduced complexity I/Q turbo detection for space-time trellis-coded systems
BL Yeap, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 53 (4), 1278-1286, 2004
The performance of H263-based video telephony over turbo-equalized GSM/GPRS
P Cherriman, BL Yeap, L Hanzo
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 12 (10), 909-915, 2002
RBF-based decision feedback aided turbo equalisation of convolutional and space-time trellis-coded systems
MS Yee, BL Yeap, L Hanzo
Electronics Letters 37 (21), 1, 2001
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