The effect of return migration driven social capital on SME internationalisation: a comparative case study of IT sector entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe T Gittins, R Lang, M Sass Review of Managerial Science 9, 385-409, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Return migration, informal learning, human capital development and SME internationalization in the CEE region: A systematic literature review T Gittins, M Fink Journal of East European Management Studies, 279-303, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
The response of Hungarian SMEs to the Covid-19 pandemic: a Resilience Adaption Model T Gittins, G Freész, L Huszák Challenges of Management in the COVID-19 Reality, 49-69, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Development of an entrepreneurship typology for integration of Roma informal Waste collection practices into environmental policy in the CEE region T Gittins Small Enterprise Research 27 (3), 289-305, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Understanding the Budapest Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Human Capital Flows and Social Capital Ties L Huszák, TB Gittins Central European Business Review 11 (3), 97-125, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Informal entrepreneurship and the circular economy in Hungary: entrepreneurial practices of informal Roma municipal waste collectors TB Gittins, L Letenyei Eastern Journal of European Studies 14 (2), 133-161, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Informal Waste Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Roma Municipal Waste Collection in Hungary T Gittins, L Letenyei Trash or Treasure: Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Waste Management, 25-55, 2024 | | 2024 |
A visszatérő migráció nemzetköziesedésre gyakorolt hatása T Gittins, R Lang, Á Orosz KÜLGAZDASÁG 59 (3-4), 96-122, 2015 | | 2015 |
The effect of return migration driven social capital on SME internationalisation T Gittins, R Lang, M Sass | | 2015 |
Preprint not peer reviewed T Gittins, L Letenyei | | |
Roma Informal Entrepreneurs and Municipal Waste Management in Hungary: A Pilot Project to Estimate the Extent of Informally Retrieved Bulky Waste T Gittins, L Letenyei Available at SSRN 4912918, 0 | | |
A visszatérő migráció nemzetköziesedésre gyakorolt hatása: magyar információtechnológiai kisvállalatok összehasonlító elemzése TIML GITTINS, RO ÁGNES Gondolat Könyvesház: 1053 Bp., Károlyi Mihály u. 16. és a szerkesztőségben …, 0 | | |
JEEMS Volume 20 Number 3 2015 A Soulsby, T Gittins, M Fink, R Wolniak, L Danik, I Kowalik | | |
Towards a Framework for Evaluation of Organisational Learning in European SMEs T Gittins | | |