David Grossin
David Grossin
CIRIMAT, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse INP- ENSIACET
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Biomimetic apatite sintered at very low temperature by spark plasma sintering: physico-chemistry and microstructure aspects
D Grossin, S Rollin-Martinet, C Estournès, F Rossignol, E Champion, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 6 (2), 577-585, 2010
Bioactive ceramics: physical chemistry
C Rey, C Combes, C Drouet, D Grossin
Comprehensive biomaterials, 187-221, 2011
A review of the additive manufacturing (3DP) of bioceramics: Alumina, zirconia (PSZ) and hydroxyapatite
L Ferrage, G Bertrand, P Lenormand, D Grossin, B Ben-Nissan
Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 53, 11-20, 2017
A review of additive manufacturing of ceramics by powder bed selective laser processing (sintering/melting): Calcium phosphate, silicon carbide, zirconia, alumina, and their …
D Grossin, A Montón, P Navarrete-Segado, E Özmen, G Urruth, F Maury, ...
Open Ceramics 5, 100073, 2021
Surface properties of biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites; applications in biomaterials
C Rey, C Combes, C Drouet, S Cazalbou, D Grossin, F Brouillet, S Sarda
Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials 60 (3-4), 63-73, 2014
Characterization of calcium phosphates using vibrational spectroscopies
C Rey, O Marsan, C Combes, C Drouet, D Grossin, S Sarda
Advances in calcium phosphate biomaterials, 229-266, 2014
Plasma-sprayed apatite coatings: review of physical-chemical characteristics and their biological consequences
I Demnati, D Grossin, C Combes, C Rey
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 34 (1), 1-7, 2014
Hydroxyapatite coating on titanium by a low energy plasma spraying mini-gun
I Demnati, M Parco, D Grossin, I Fagoaga, C Drouet, G Barykin, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (8-9), 2346-2353, 2012
Synthesis of fine La0. 8Sr0. 2MnO3 powder by different ways
D Grossin, JG Noudem
Solid State Sciences 6 (9), 939-944, 2004
1.11 Bioactive calcium phosphate compounds: physical chemistry
C Rey, C Combes, C Drouet, D Grossin, G Bertrand, J Soulié
Comprehensive biomaterials II 1, 244-290, 2017
Nanocrystalline apatites: The fundamental role of water
C Drouet, M Aufray, S Rollin-Martinet, N Vandecandelaère, D Grossin, ...
American Mineralogist 103 (4), 550-564, 2018
Medical potentialities of biomimetic apatites through adsorption, ionic substitution, and mineral/organic associations: three illustrative examples
A Al‐Kattan, F Errassifi, AM Sautereau, S Sarda, P Dufour, A Barroug, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 12 (7), B224-B233, 2010
Thermodynamic basis for evolution of apatite in calcified tissues
S Rollin-Martinet, A Navrotsky, E Champion, D Grossin, C Drouet
American Mineralogist 98 (11-12), 2037-2045, 2013
Effect of the deposition route on the microstructure of plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings
M Chambard, O Marsan, C Charvillat, D Grossin, P Fort, C Rey, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 371, 68-77, 2019
Biomimetic nanocrystalline apatite coatings synthesized by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation for medical applications
A Visan, D Grossin, N Stefan, L Duta, FM Miroiu, GE Stan, M Sopronyi, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 181, 56-63, 2014
A comparative physico-chemical study of chlorapatite and hydroxyapatite: from powders to plasma sprayed thin coatings
I Demnati, D Grossin, C Combes, M Parco, I Braceras, C Rey
Biomedical Materials 7 (5), 054101, 2012
Biocompatibility of a new biodegradable polymer-hydroxyapatite composite for biomedical applications
IJ Macha, B Ben-Nissan, J Santos, S Cazalbou, A Stamboulis, D Grossin, ...
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 38, 72-77, 2017
Materials processed by indirect microwave heating in a single-mode cavity
D Grossin, S Marinel, JG Noudem
Ceramics international 32 (8), 911-915, 2006
Comparative study of Coral Conversion, Part 2: Microstructural evolution of calcium phosphate
IJ Macha, U Boonyang, S Cazalbou, B Ben-Nissan, C Charvillat, FN Oktar, ...
Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 51 (2), pp. 149-159, 2015
Powder bed selective laser process (sintering/melting) applied to tailored calcium phosphate-based powders
P Navarrete-Segado, C Frances, M Tourbin, C Tenailleau, B Duployer, ...
Additive Manufacturing 50, 102542, 2022
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