Jaser A. Sa'ed
Jaser A. Sa'ed
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Birzeit University, West Bank, Palestine
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Design of an isolated renewable hybrid energy system: a case study
YF Nassar, SY Alsadi, HJ El-Khozondar, MS Ismail, M Al-Maghalseh, ...
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy 11 (3), 225-240, 2022
A simplified analytical approach for optimal planning of distributed generation in electrical distribution networks
JA Sa’ed, M Amer, A Bodair, A Baransi, S Favuzza, G Zizzo
applied Sciences 9 (24), 5446, 2019
Investigating the effect of distributed generators on traditional protection in radial distribution systems
J Sa'ed, S Favuzza, MG Ippolito, F Massaro
PowerTech (POWERTECH), 2013 IEEE Grenoble, 1-6, 2013
An investigation of protection devices coordination effects on distributed generators capacity in radial distribution systems
JA Sa'ed, S Favuzza, MG Ippolito, F Massaro
Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2013 International Conference on, 686-692, 2013
Impact of integrating photovoltaic based DG on distribution network harmonics
J Sa'ed, M Quraan, Q Samara, S Favuzza, G Zizzo
Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and …, 2017
Application of Thermographic Techniques for the Detection of Failures on Photovoltaic Modules
G Cipriani, V Boscaino, VD Dio, F Cardona, G Zizzo, SD Caro, J Sa'ed
2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2019
Verifying the effect of distributed generators on voltage profile, power losses and protection system in radial distribution networks
J Sa'ed, S Favuzza, MG Ippolito, F Massaro
Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 2013 Fourth …, 2013
Reassessment of voltage stability for distribution networks in presence of DG
J Sa'ed, MK Jubran, S Favuzza, F Massaro
Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2016 IEEE 16th International …, 2016
Optimization of BESS capacity under a peak load shaving strategy
J Sa'ed, S Favuzza, F Massaro, E Telaretti
2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2018
PV output power smoothing using flywheel storage system
A Awad, I Tumar, M Hussein, W Ghanem, JA Sa'ed
Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and …, 2017
Effect of voltage deviations on power distribution losses in presence of DG technology
J Sa'ed, N Ismail, S Favuzza, MG Ippolito, F Massaro
2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications …, 2015
Control of solid-state fault current limiter for DG-integrated distribution systems
J Sa'ed, M Quraan, M Abu-Khaizaran, S Favuzza, F Massaro
Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and …, 2017
Effect of integrating photovoltaic systems on electrical network losses considering load variation
J Sa'ed, M Amer, A Bodair, A Baransi, S Favuzza, G Zizzo
2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2018
Integration issues of distributed generators considering faults in electrical distribution networks
J Sa'ed, S Favuzza, MG Ippolito, F Massaro
Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 IEEE International, 1062-1068, 2014
A Comparison between RMS and EMT Grid-Forming Implementations in MATLAB/Simscape for Smart Grids Dynamics
S Favuzza, R Musca, G Zizzo, J Saed
2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 2022
Design and control of battery charger for electric vehicles using modular multilevel converters
M Quraan, M Abu‐Khaizaran, J Sa'ed, W Hashlamoun, P Tricoli
IET Power Electronics 14 (1), 140-157, 2021
Effect of demand side management on the operation of PV-integrated distribution systems
JA Sa’ed, Z Wari, F Abughazaleh, J Dawud, S Favuzza, G Zizzo
Applied Sciences 10 (21), 7551, 2020
A framework to determine maximum capacity of interconnecting DGs in distribution networks
J Sa'ed, A Awad, S Favuzza, F Massaro, G Zizzo
Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), 2018 …, 2018
Effects of Demand Side Management on the Operation of an Isolated LV Microgrids
J Sa'ed, S Favuzza, F Massaro, R Musca, G Zizzo, A Cagnano, ED Tuglie
2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2019
Comparative Modelling and Analysis of EMT and Phasor RMS Grid-Forming Converters Under Different Power System Dynamics
S Favuzza, R Musca, G Zizzo, J Saed
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1 - 12, 2023
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