Richard Rankin
Richard Rankin
在 nottingham.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Fully computable error bounds for discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximations on meshes with an arbitrary number of levels of hanging nodes
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 47 (6), 4112-4141, 2010
A unified analysis of algebraic flux correction schemes for convection–diffusion equations
GR Barrenechea, V John, P Knobloch, R Rankin
SeMA Journal 75, 655-685, 2018
Guaranteed computable bounds on quantities of interest in finite element computations
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 89 (13), 1605-1634, 2012
Fully computable a posteriori error bounds for stabilised FEM approximations of convection–reaction–diffusion problems in three dimensions
M Ainsworth, A Allendes, GR Barrenechea, R Rankin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 73 (9), 765-790, 2013
Fully computable bounds for the error in nonconforming finite element approximations of arbitrary order on triangular elements
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (6), 3207-3232, 2008
Constant free error bounds for nonuniform order discontinuous Galerkin finite-element approximation on locally refined meshes with hanging nodes
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
IMA journal of numerical analysis 31 (1), 254-280, 2011
On the adaptive selection of the parameter in stabilized finite element approximations
M Ainsworth, A Allendes, GR Barrenechea, R Rankin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (3), 1585-1609, 2013
A note on the selection of the penalty parameter for discontinuous Galerkin finite element schemes
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 28 (3), 1099-1104, 2012
Guaranteed computable error bounds for conforming and nonconforming finite element analyses in planar elasticity
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 82 (9), 1114-1157, 2010
Adaptive finite element methods for an optimal control problem involving Dirac measures
A Allendes, E Otarola, R Rankin, AJ Salgado
Numerische Mathematik 137 (1), 159-197, 2017
Fully computable error estimation of a nonlinear, positivity-preserving discretization of the convection-diffusion-reaction equation
A Allendes, GR Barrenechea, R Rankin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (5), A1903-A1927, 2017
A high order method for solving the black-oil problem in porous media
R Rankin, B Riviere
Advances in Water Resources 78, 126-144, 2015
Realistic computable error bounds for three dimensional finite element analyses in linear elasticity
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200 (21-22), 1909-1926, 2011
Error estimation for low-order adaptive finite element approximations for fluid flow problems
A Allendes, F Durán, R Rankin
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 36 (4), 1715-1747, 2016
Computable error bounds for nonconforming Fortin–Soulie finite element approximation of the Stokes problem
M Ainsworth, A Allendes, GR Barrenechea, R Rankin
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 32 (2), 417-447, 2012
Robust a posteriori error estimation for the nonconforming Fortin–Soulie finite element approximation
M Ainsworth, R Rankin
Mathematics of computation 77 (264), 1917-1939, 2008
An a posteriori error analysis for an optimal control problem with point sources
A Allendes, E Otárola, R Rankin, AJ Salgado
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 52 (5), 1617-1650, 2018
Plutonium Discharge Rates and Spent Nuclear Fuel Inventory Estimates for Nuclear Reactors Worldwide
BK Castle, SA Hoiland, RA Rankin, JW Sterbentz
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2012
Pointwise a posteriori error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion equations
N Kopteva, R Rankin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 61 (4), 1938-1961, 2023
Maximum–norm a posteriori error estimates for an optimal control problem
E Otárola, R Rankin, AJ Salgado
Computational Optimization and Applications 73, 997-1017, 2019
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