在 umm.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Helminthiasis saluran cerna pada sapi perah
L Zalizar
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan 27 (2), 1-7, 2017
Prospect of Fe non-heme on coffee flour made from solid coffee waste: Mini review
RH Setyobudi, L Zalizar, SK Wahono, W Widodo, A Wahyudi, M Mel, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 293 (1), 012035, 2019
Healthy-Smart Concept as Standard Design of Kitchen Waste Biogas Digester for Urban Households.
RH Setyobudi, E Yandri, MF Mousa Atoum, SM Nur, I Zekker, R Idroes, ...
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 14 (3), 2021
Flavonoids of Phylanthus niruri as immunomodulators a prospect to animal disease control
L Zalizar
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology 3 (5), 529-532, 2013
Dampak infeksi Ascaridia galli terhadap gambaran histopatologi dan luas permukaan vili usus halus serta penurunan bobot hidup starter
L Zalizar, F Satrija, R Tiuria, DA Astuti
JITV 11 (3), 222-228, 2006
Budidaya cacing tanah sebagai usaha alternatif di masa krisis ekonomi
A Mubarok, L Zalizar
Jurnal Dedikasi 1 (1), 129-135, 2003
Assessment on coffee cherry flour of Mengani Arabica coffee, Bali, Indonesia as iron non-heme source
RH Setyobudi, E Yandri, YA Nugroho, MS Susanti, SK Wahono, ...
Sarhad J. Agric 37, 171-183, 2021
Potensi produksi dan ekonomi biogas serta implikasinya pada kesehatan manusia, ternak dan lingkungan
L Zalizar, R Relawati, BY Ariadi
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan 23 (3), 32-40, 2013
Kasus mastitis sub klinis pada sapi perah laktasi di Kecamatan Pujon Kabupaten Malang
L Zalizar, D Indratmi, YA Soedarsono
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 28 (1), 35-41, 2018
Karakteristik dan kualitas silase tebon jagung (Zea mays) menggunakan berbagai tingkat penambahan fermentor yang mengandung bakteri Lignochloritik
ID Rahayu, L Zalizar, A Widianto, MI Yulianto
Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk, 730-737, 2017
Respon ayam yang mempunyai pengalaman infeksi Ascaridia galli terhadap infeksi ulang dan implikasinya terhadap produktivitas dan kualitas telur
L Zalizar, F Satrija, R Tiuria, DA Astuti
Animal Production, Jurnal Produksi Ternak 9 (2), 2008
Perbandingan penambahan glukosa dan sukrosaterhadap kualitas permen susu kambing peranakan etawa (PE) berdasarkan preferensi konsumsi
L Zalizar, ER Sapitri, NK Putri, GW Nurrahma, LK Nisa
Research Report, 49-55, 2016
Potential Utilization of Dried Rice Leftover of Household Organic Waste for Poultry Functional Feed.
R Tonda, L Zalizar, W Widodo, RH Setyobudi, D Hermawan, D Damat, ...
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 15 (5), 2022
Characterization of fiber fraction, physical and chemical properties of coffee flour (Coffea sp.) as functional foodstuff for diabetes mellitus patient
S Mindarti, L Zalizar, EA Saati, S Fajriani
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 462 (1), 012017, 2020
Profil Peternak Sapi Perah di Wilayah Desa Kemiri Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang
D Indratmi, L Zalizar, K Khotimah, A Septiana, ND Puspitasari
JAST: Jurnal Aplikasi Sains Dan Teknologi 2 (1), 29-34, 2018
Pengaruh penggunaan larutan bawang putih terhadap penampilan produksi ayam lurik penderita parasit cacing
L Zalizar, ID Rahayu
Jurnal Agritek 9 (2), 874-879, 2001
The impact of Covid-19 on chicken broiler farm business in Malang Regency
S Nurahmi, L Zalizar
AMCA Journal of Science and Technology 1 (1), 17-19, 2021
Formulasi Pakan Pelet Kambing Peranakan Etawah (PE) di Kelompok Ternak Abimanyu di Desa Bumiaji Kota Batu
L Zalizar, A Yani
Jurnal Dedikasi 9, 2012
On the Way to Sustainable Peat-Free Soil Amendments.
Z Vincevica-Gaile, K Stankevica, M Klavins, RH Setyobudi, D Damat, ...
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 37, 2021
Characterization of Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of Four Types of Indonesian Native Chickens as Ancestor of New Strains of Local Super Laying Hens.
S Suyatno, S Sujono, A Winaya, L Zalizar, M Pangestu
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 16 (2), 2023
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