Dominika Adamczyk
Dominika Adamczyk
Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw
在 psych.uw.edu.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
The challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the way people deal with them. A qualitative longitudinal study
D Maison, D Jaworska, D Adamczyk, D Affeltowicz
PLoS ONE 16 (10), e0258133, 2021
Gender differences in attitudes to vegans/vegetarians and their food preferences, and their implications for promoting sustainable dietary patterns–a systematic review
K Modlinska, D Adamczyk, D Maison, W Pisula
Sustainability 12 (16), 6292, 2020
Plant-based dairy alternatives: consumers’ perceptions, motivations, and barriers—results from a qualitative study in Poland, Germany, and France
D Adamczyk, D Jaworska, D Affeltowicz, D Maison
Nutrients 14 (10), 2171, 2022
The effect of labelling and visual properties on the acceptance of foods containing insects
K Modlinska, D Adamczyk, K Goncikowska, D Maison, W Pisula
Nutrients 12 (9), 2498, 2020
Relationship between acceptance of insects as an alternative to meat and willingness to consume insect-based food—A study on a representative sample of the Polish population
K Modlinska, D Adamczyk, D Maison, K Goncikowska, W Pisula
Foods 10 (10), 2420, 2021
The relations between materialism, consumer decisions and advertising perception
D Maison, D Adamczyk
Procedia Computer Science 176, 2526-2535, 2020
Vegan stereotypes and person perception in a job application situation–differences depending on the type of job and the gender of the candidate
D Adamczyk, D Maison
The Journal of Social Psychology 163 (3), 425-437, 2023
Gender, masculinity, and the perception of vegetarians and vegans: a mixed-methods investigation
D Adamczyk, K Modlińska, D Maison, W Pisula
Sex Roles 89 (9), 595-609, 2023
Wzorce reakcji emocjonalnych na pandemię COVID-19 w różnych okresach jej trwania – badanie jakościowe
D Adamczyk, D Jaworska, D Affeltowicz, M Dominika
Pandemia COVID-19. Perspektywa psychologiczna 3, 29-65, 2022
Ecology or Health—How to Successfully Promote Palm Oil Free Products: A Comparison between Spain and Poland
D Adamczyk, D Maison
Foods 10 (10), 2380, 2021
Gender differences in attitudes to vegans/vegetarians and their food preferences, and their implications for promoting sustainable dietary patterns–a systematic review …
K Modlinska, D Adamczyk, D Maison, W Pisula
Ideologia czy zdrowie–dwa typy wegetarianizmu
D Adamczyk, D Maison
Marketing i Rynek, 15-24, 2019
Creepy crawlies or beauty queens? The effect of type of insect on the evaluation of foods containing insects
D Adamczyk, K Modlinska, D Maison, K Goncikowska, SS Ekström, ...
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 9 (1), 25-42, 2023
The influence of various information about insect content and its advantages on the acceptance of foods containing insects
K Goncikowska, K Modlinska, D Adamczyk, UC Altuntaş, D Maison, ...
Journal of Food Products Marketing 29 (2-3), 82-99, 2023
The role of food during oncology treatment: perspectives of cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals
D Adamczyk, D Maison, S Lignou, OO Oloyede, M Clegg, L Methven, ...
Supportive Care in Cancer 32 (5), 303, 2024
The Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behavior. The Role of Lack of Control and Risk Perception on Stockpiling
D Maison, D Adamczyk, A Wnuk, T Oleksy
problemy zarządzania-management issues 20 (3 (97)), 4-26, 2022
Relation Between Pro-Ecological Attitudes and Behavior: Comparison Between Poland and Belgium
D Adamczyk, D Affeltowicz, D Maison
International Conference on Computational Methods in Experimental Economics …, 2019
Wpływ COVID-19 na zachowania konsumentów. Rola poczucia braku kontroli i postrzegania ryzyka w tendencji do robienia zakupów na zapas
D Maison, D Adamczyk, A Wnuk, T Oleksy
European Management Studies (wcześniej: problemy zarządzania-management …, 2022
D Adamczyk, D Jaworska, D Affeltowicz, D Maison
Pandemia COVID-19. Perspektywa psychologiczna 3, 49, 2022
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Nutrients in 2021
D Aalto, KE Agho, M Aarabi, A Agil, JE Aaron, EK Aglago, R Abalo, ...
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