Mikhail Gilman
Mikhail Gilman
在 ncsu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Sonar measurements in ship wakes simultaneous with TerraSAR-X overpasses
A Soloviev, M Gilman, K Young, S Brusch, S Lehner
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (2), 841-851, 2009
Theory of wave activity occurring in the AMPTE artificial comet
VIS R. Bingham, V. D. Shapiro, V. N. Tsytovich, U. de Angelis, M. Gilman
Physics of Fluids B 3 (7), 1728-1738, 1991
Transionospheric synthetic aperture imaging
M Gilman, E Smith, S Tsynkov
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Reduction of ionospheric distortions for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar with the help of image registration
M Gilman, E Smith, S Tsynkov
Inverse Problems 29 (5), 054005, 2013
A mathematical model for SAR imaging beyond the first Born approximation
M Gilman, S Tsynkov
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (1), 186-225, 2015
Study of the far wake of a large ship
M Gilman, A Soloviev, H Graber
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 28 (5), 720-733, 2011
Modification of turbulence at the air-sea interface due to the presence of surfactants and implications for gas exchange. Part I: laboratory experiment
A Soloviev, S Matt, M Gilman, H Huhnerfuss, BK Haus, D Jeong, ...
Kyoto University Press, 2011
Single-polarization SAR imaging in the presence of Faraday rotation
M Gilman, E Smith, S Tsynkov
Inverse Problems 30 (7), 075002, 2014
A linearized inverse scattering problem for the polarized waves and anisotropic targets
M Gilman, E Smith, S Tsynkov
Inverse problems 28 (8), 085009, 2012
Mathematical analysis of SAR imaging through a turbulent ionosphere
M Gilman, S Tsynkov
AIP Conference Proceedings 1895 (1), 2017
Computer simulation of the scattering of electromagnetic waves: Some problems associated with remote radar sensing of the sea surface
MA Gilman, SY Sadov, AS Shamaev, SI Shamaev
Journal of communications technology & electronics 45, S229-S246, 2000
A mathematical perspective on radar interferometry.
M Gilman, S Tsynkov
Inverse Problems & Imaging 16 (1), 2022
Detection of delayed target response in SAR
M Gilman, S Tsynkov
Inverse Problems 35 (8), 085005, 2019
Bispectrum and Analysis of the Statistics of Electromagnetic Waves Backscattered by Sea Surface
MA Gilman
Journal of Computer and System Sciences International 36 (6), 972-980, 1997
The Two-scale Model and Other Methods For the Approximate Solution of the Problem of Diffraction by Rough Surfaces
TLT M.A.Gilman, A.G.Mikheev
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 36 (10), 1429-1442, 1996
Detection of material dispersion using SAR
M Gilman, S Tsynkov
EUSAR 2014; 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 1-4, 2014
Fine structure of the upper ocean from high-resolution Terrasar-X imagery and In-Situ measurements
A Soloviev, C Maingot, A Fujimura, J Fenton, M Gilman, S Matt, S Lehner, ...
2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1944-1947, 2010
Hydrodynamics and Remote Sensing of Far Wakes of Ship
A Soloviev, M Gilman, K Moore, K Young, H Graber
SEASAR 2008-Advances in SAR Oceanography from ENVISAT and ERS missions 676, 23, 2008
Statistical characterization of scattering delay in synthetic aperture radar imaging
M Gilman, S Tsynkov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.08124, 2019
Differential Faraday rotation and polarimetric SAR
M Gilman, S Tsynkov
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78 (3), 1422-1449, 2018
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