Dmitriy Leykekhman
Dmitriy Leykekhman
UConn, Deparmtent of Math.
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Local error estimates for SUPG solutions of advection-dominated elliptic linear-quadratic optimal control problems
M Heinkenschloss, D Leykekhman
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (6), 4607-4638, 2010
Hölder estimates for Green’s functions on convex polyhedral domains and their applications to finite element methods
J Guzmán, D Leykekhman, J Rossmann, AH Schatz
Numerische Mathematik 112 (2), 221-243, 2009
Local error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for advection-dominated elliptic linear-quadratic optimal control problems
D Leykekhman, M Heinkenschloss
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50 (4), 2012-2038, 2012
Discrete maximal parabolic regularity for Galerkin finite element methods
D Leykekhman, B Vexler
Numerische Mathematik 135 (3), 923-952, 2017
Optimal a priori error estimates of parabolic optimal control problems with pointwise control
D Leykekhman, B Vexler
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (5), 2797-2821, 2013
Best approximation property in the 𝑊¹_ {∞} norm for finite element methods on graded meshes
A Demlow, D Leykekhman, A Schatz, L Wahlbin
Mathematics of Computation 81 (278), 743-764, 2012
Investigation of commutative properties of discontinuous Galerkin methods in PDE constrained optimal control problems
D Leykekhman
Journal of Scientific Computing 53 (3), 483-511, 2012
A family of non-conforming elements and the analysis of Nitsche’s method for a singularly perturbed fourth order problem
J Guzmán, D Leykekhman, M Neilan
Calcolo 49, 95-125, 2012
Weighted error estimates of the continuous interior penalty method for singularly perturbed problems
E Burman, J Guzmán, D Leykekhman
IMA journal of numerical analysis 29 (2), 284-314, 2009
Pointwise best approximation results for Galerkin finite element solutions of parabolic problems
D Leykekhman, B Vexler
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54 (3), 1365-1384, 2016
Finite element pointwise results on convex polyhedral domains
D Leykekhman, B Vexler
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54 (2), 561-587, 2016
Pointwise error estimates of finite element approximations to the Stokes problem on convex polyhedra
J Guzmán, D Leykekhman
Mathematics of Computation 81 (280), 1879-1902, 2012
Local energy estimates for the fractional Laplacian
JP Borthagaray, D Leykekhman, RH Nochetto
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59 (4), 1918-1947, 2021
Optimal error estimates for finite element discretization of elliptic optimal control problems with finitely many pointwise state constraints
D Leykekhman, D Meidner, B Vexler
Computational Optimization and Applications 55, 769-802, 2013
Numerical analysis of sparse initial data identification for parabolic problems
D Leykekhman, B Vexler, D Walter
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 54 (4), 1139-1180, 2020
Pointwise localized error estimates for parabolic finite element equations
D Leykekhman
Numerische Mathematik 96, 583-600, 2004
A priori error estimates for three dimensional parabolic optimal control problems with pointwise control
D Leykekhman, B Vexler
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 54 (5), 2403-2435, 2016
On the dimension spectrum of infinite subsystems of continued fractions
V Chousionis, D Leykekhman, M Urbański
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373 (2), 1009-1042, 2020
A brief introduction to PDE-constrained optimization
H Antil, D Leykekhman
Frontiers in PDE-constrained optimization, 3-40, 2018
A posteriori error estimates by recovered gradients in parabolic finite element equations
D Leykekhman, LB Wahlbin
BIT Numerical Mathematics 48, 585-605, 2008
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