Nano-transistors in the Landauer–Büttiker formalism GA Nemnes, U Wulf, PN Racec Journal of applied physics 96 (1), 596-604, 2004 | 53 | 2004 |
Transport through quantum systems in the R-matrix formalism U Wulf, J Kučera, PN Racec, E Sigmund Physical Review B 58 (24), 16209, 1998 | 45 | 1998 |
Evanescent channels and scattering in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures PN Racec, ER Racec, H Neidhardt Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (15), 155305, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |
Nonlinear IV characteristics of nanotransistors in the Landauer-Büttiker formalism GA Nemnes, U Wulf, PN Racec Journal of applied physics 98 (8), 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
Physics of optimal resonant tunneling PN Racec, T Stoica, C Popescu, M Lepsa, TG van de Roer Physical Review B 56 (7), 3595, 1997 | 26 | 1997 |
Fano regime of transport through open quantum dots ER Racec, U Wulf, PN Racec Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (8), 085313, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
On Eisenbud's and Wigner's R-matrix: A general approach J Behrndt, H Neidhardt, ER Racec, PN Racec, U Wulf Journal of Differential Equations 244 (10), 2545-2577, 2008 | 18* | 2008 |
Capacitance in open quantum structures PN Racec, ER Racec, U Wulf Physical Review B 65 (19), 193314, 2002 | 17 | 2002 |
Integration of quantum transport models in classical device simulators PN Racec, U Wulf, J Kučera Solid-State Electronics 44 (5), 881-886, 2000 | 12 | 2000 |
R-matrix formalism for electron scattering in two dimensions with applications to nanostructures with quantum dots PN Racec, ER Racec, H Neidhardt Trends in Nanophysics: Theory, Experiment and Technology, 149-174, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
A Kohn–Sham system at zero temperature H Cornean, K Hoke, H Neidhardt, PN Racec, J Rehberg Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (38), 385304, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
Electronic transport in nanosystems U Wulf, ER Racec, PN Racec, A Aldea Materials Science and Engineering: C 23 (6-8), 675-681, 2003 | 7 | 2003 |
Transport phenomena and capacitance of open quantum semiconductor nanostructures PN Racec BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, 2002 | 7 | 2002 |
Eigensolutions of the Wigner–Eisenbud problem for a cylindrical nanowire within finite volume method PN Racec, S Schade, HC Kaiser Journal of Computational Physics 252, 52-64, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Resonant transport throught semiconductor nanostructures ER Racec, PN Racec, U Wulf arXiv preprint cond-mat/0404425, 2004 | 6 | 2004 |
Electronic states in a quantum well-nanobridge-quantum dot structure PN Racec, LI Goray Berlin: Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Effect of nanobridges on the emission spectra of a quantum dot-quantum well tunneling pair VG Talalaev, GE Cirlin, LI Goray, BV Novikov, ME Labzovskaya, ... Semiconductors 48, 1178-1184, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Admittance of planar two-terminal quantum systems U Wulf, PN Racec, ER Racec Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (7), 075320, 2007 | 3 | 2007 |
Capacitance theory of open quantum systems with classical contacts PN Racec, ER Racec, U Wulf Computational materials science 21 (4), 475-480, 2001 | 3 | 2001 |
Cylindrical semiconductor nanowires with constrictions PN Racec physica status solidi (b) 251 (1), 195-200, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |