Andrey V. Korsakov
Andrey V. Korsakov
V S Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk
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Aqueous fluids and hydrous melts in high-pressure and ultra-high pressure rocks: implications for element transfer in subduction zones
J Hermann, C Spandler, A Hack, AV Korsakov
Lithos 92 (3-4), 399-417, 2006
Multiple zircon growth during fast exhumation of diamondiferous, deeply subducted continental crust (Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan)
JÈ Hermann, D Rubatto, A Korsakov, VS Shatsky
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 141, 66-82, 2001
Silicate and carbonate melt inclusions associated with diamonds in deeply subducted carbonate rocks
AV Korsakov, J Hermann
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (1-2), 104-118, 2006
On the occurrence and boron isotopic composition of tourmaline in (ultra) high-pressure metamorphic rocks
HR Marschall, AV Korsakov, GL Luvizotto, L Nasdala, T Ludwig
Journal of the Geological Society 166 (4), 811-823, 2009
Alkali-carbonate melts from the base of cratonic lithospheric mantle: Links to kimberlites
AV Golovin, IS Sharygin, VS Kamenetsky, AV Korsakov, GM Yaxley
Chemical Geology 483, 261-274, 2018
Geochemistry of ultrahigh-pressure anatexis: fractionation of elements in the Kokchetav gneisses during melting at diamond-facies conditions
AS Stepanov, J Hermann, AV Korsakov, D Rubatto
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 167, 1-25, 2014
Raman elastic geobarometry for anisotropic mineral inclusions
M Murri, ML Mazzucchelli, N Campomenosi, AV Korsakov, M Prencipe, ...
American Mineralogist 103 (11), 1869-1872, 2018
Diamond–graphite relationships in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, Northern Kazakhstan
AV Korsakov, M Perraki, DA Zedgenizov, L Bindi, P Vandenabeele, ...
Journal of Petrology 51 (3), 763-783, 2010
Garnet-biotite-clinozoisite gneiss: a new type of diamondiferous metamorphic rock from the Kokchetav Massif
AV Korsakov, VS Shatsky, NV Sobolev, AA Zayachokovsky
Post-Archean formation of the lithospheric mantle in the central Siberian craton: Re–Os and PGE study of peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite
DA Ionov, LS Doucet, RW Carlson, AV Golovin, AV Korsakov
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 165, 466-483, 2015
Intergranular diamonds derived from partial melting of crustal rocks at ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic conditions
AV Korsakov, K Theunissen, LV Smirnova
Terra Nova 16 (3), 146-151, 2004
Two contrasting petrotectonic domains in the Kokchetav megamelange (north Kazakhstan): difference in exhumation mechanisms of ultrahigh‐pressure crustal rocks, or a result of …
K Theunissen, NL Dobretsov, A Korsakov, A Travin, VS Shatsky, ...
Island Arc 9 (3), 284-303, 2000
Diamond growth during ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism of the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan
K De Corte, A Korsakov, WR Taylor, P Cartigny, M Ader, P De Paepe
Island Arc 9 (3), 428-438, 2000
Fossil subduction recorded by quartz from the coesite stability field
M Alvaro, ML Mazzucchelli, RJ Angel, M Murri, N Campomenosi, ...
Geology 48 (1), 24-28, 2020
Paleoproterozoic rejuvenation and replacement of Archaean lithosphere: Evidence from zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotopes in crustal xenoliths at Udachnaya, Siberian craton
JF Moyen, JL Paquette, DA Ionov, A Gannoun, AV Korsakov, AV Golovin, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 457, 149-159, 2017
Origin of alkaline carbonates in kimberlites of the Siberian craton: Evidence from melt inclusions in mantle olivine of the Udachnaya-East pipe
AV Golovin, IS Sharygin, AV Korsakov
Chemical Geology 455, 357-375, 2017
Can primitive kimberlite melts be alkali‐carbonate liquids: Composition of the melt snapshots preserved in deepest mantle xenoliths
AV Golovin, IS Sharygin, AV Korsakov, VS Kamenetsky, A Abersteiner
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51 (9), 1849-1867, 2020
Melting history of an ultrahigh-pressure paragneiss revealed by multiphase solid inclusions in garnet, Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan
AS Stepanov, J Hermann, D Rubatto, AV Korsakov, LV Danyushevsky
Journal of Petrology 57 (8), 1531-1554, 2016
Is quartz a potential indicator of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism? Laser Raman spectroscopy of quartz inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure garnets
AV Korsakov, M Perraki, VP Zhukov, K De Gussem, P Vandenabeele, ...
European Journal of Mineralogy 21 (6), 1313-1323, 2009
Apatite, SiO2, rutile and orthopyroxene precipitates in minerals of eclogite xenoliths from Yakutian kimberlites, Russia
TA Alifirova, LN Pokhilenko, AV Korsakov
Lithos 226, 31-49, 2015
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