Lander Vermeerbergen
Lander Vermeerbergen
Organisation Design & Development, Radboud University
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A comparison of working in small-scale and large-scale nursing homes: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence
L Vermeerbergen, G Van Hootegem, J Benders
International Journal of Nursing Studies 67, 59-70, 2017
Creative labour in the era of Covid-19: The case of freelancers
V Pulignano, M Domecka, K Muszyński, L Vermeerbergen, ML Riemann
ETUI Research Paper-Working Paper, 2021
Head-worn displays and job content: A systematic literature review
M Bal, J Benders, S Dhondt, L Vermeerbergen
Applied Ergonomics 91, 103285, 2021
Does it pay to work? Unpaid labour in the platform economy
V Pulignano, A Piasna, M Domecka, K Muszyński, L Vermeerbergen
Unpaid Labour in the Platform Economy (January 20, 2022). ETUI Research …, 2021
Structure please; continuous improvement and employee consequences in a dynamic task environment
J Benders, M Bal, L Vermeerbergen
Sustainability 11 (20), 5564, 2019
Putting a band-aid on a wooden leg: A sociotechnical view on the success of decentralisation attempts to increase job autonomy
L Vermeerbergen, G Van Hootegem, J Benders
Team Performance Management 22 (7/8), 383-398, 2016
Evidence of workplace innovation from organisational and economic studies
S Dhondt, L Vermeerbergen, G Van Hootegem
Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice, 79-94, 2017
Het gebruik van en de behoefte aan kinderopvang voor baby’s en peuters jonger dan 3 jaar in het Vlaamse Gewest
E Teppers, W Schepers, T Van Regenmortel
Leuven, Steunpunt Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin (Consulté le 06-12-2019), 2019
Does it pay to work?
V Pulignano, A Piasna, M Domecka, K Muszyński, L Vermeerbergen
ETUI: European Trade Union Institute, 2021
Working hard for the ones you love and care for under COVID-19 physical distancing
L Vermeerbergen, V Pulignano, M Domecka, M Jansens
Work, Employment and Society 35 (6), 1144-1154, 2021
Managers shaping the service triangle: Navigating resident and worker interests through work design in nursing homes
L Vermeerbergen, AM McDermott, J Benders
Work and Occupations, 0730888420930770, 2021
Why does unpaid labour vary among digital labour platforms? Exploring socio-technical platform regimes of worker autonomy
V Pulignano, D Grimshaw, M Domecka, L Vermeerbergen
human relations, 00187267231179901, 2023
Putting head-worn displays to use for order picking: a most-similar comparative case study
M Bal, L Vermeerbergen, J Benders
The International Journal of Logistics Management 34 (5), 1475-1499, 2023
‘Bringing the Covert into the Open’: A Case Study on Technology Appropriation and Continuous Improvement
M Bal, J Benders, L Vermeerbergen
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (10), 6333, 2022
Between morals and markets? An interdisciplinary conceptual framework for studying working conditions at Catholic social service providers in Belgium and Germany
N Doerflinger, D Bosschaert, A Otto, T Opgenhaffen, L Vermeerbergen
Journal of Business Ethics 172, 15-29, 2021
Kwaliteit van arbeid in kleinschalige genormaliseerde woonzorgcentra
L Vermeerbergen, G Van Hootegem, J Benders
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 32 (4), 377-391, 2016
How state influence on project work organization both drives and mitigates gendered precarity in cultural and creative industries
V Pulignano, D Dean, M Domecka, L Vermeerbergen
British Journal of Industrial Relations 61 (2), 313-335, 2023
Creative labour in the era of Covid-19
V Pulignano, M Domecka, K Muszyński, L Vermeerbergen, ML Riemann
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2021
From silos to cells: Reducing repetitive jobs through sociotechnical redesign
L Vermeerbergen, S Pless, G Van Hootegem, J Benders
Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (1), 160-178, 2021
Activering van werklozen in België en Nederland
L Vermeerbergen, P van Echtelt
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 35 (1), 2019
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