Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisi: Bölüşüm, Birikim ve Büyüme: Bölüşüm, Birikim ve Büyüme E Yeldan İletişim Yayınları, 2016 | 663 | 2016 |
Küreselleşme sürecinde Türkiye ekonomisi E Yeldan İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 20-23, 2001 | 506 | 2001 |
Turkey, 1980-2000: Financial liberalization, macroeconomic (in)-stability, and patterns of distribution K Boratav, E Yeldan Chp14, 417-455, 2006 | 301 | 2006 |
Politics, society and financial liberalization: Turkey in the 1990s U Cizre‐Sakallioglu, E Yeldan Development and change 31 (2), 481-508, 2000 | 281 | 2000 |
Neoliberal Küreselleflme‹ deolojisinin Kalk› nma Söylemi Üzerine De¤ erlendirmeler E Yeldan Praksis, 2002 | 257 | 2002 |
Globalization, distribution and social policy: Turkey, 1980-1998 K Boratav, E Yeldan, AH Köse CEPA and The New School for Social Research, Working Paper Series 20 (2000 …, 2000 | 254 | 2000 |
İktisadi büyüme ve bölüşüm teorileri E Yeldan, M Yıldımoğlu, H Öztürkler Efil yayınevi, 2010 | 215 | 2010 |
The Turkish encounter with neo-liberalism: economics and politics in the 2000/2001 crises Ü Cizre, E Yeldan Review of International Political Economy 12 (3), 387-408, 2005 | 214 | 2005 |
On Turkey's trade policy: Is a customs union with Europe enough? J Mercenier, E Yeldan European Economic Review 41 (3-5), 871-880, 1997 | 183 | 1997 |
Dilemmas of structural adjustment and environmental policies under instability: Post-1980 Turkey K Boratav, O Türel, E Yeldan World Development 24 (2), 373-393, 1996 | 171 | 1996 |
On the IMF-Directed Disinflation Program in Turkey: A Program for Stabilization and Usterity or a Recipe for Impoverishment and Financial Chaos? AE Yeldan Available at SSRN 290539, 2001 | 166 | 2001 |
Kapitalizmin Yeniden Finansallaşması ve 2007/2008 Krizi: Türkiye Krizin Neresinde? AE Yeldan Çalışma ve Toplum 1 (20), 11-28, 2009 | 154 | 2009 |
Neoliberal global remedies: From speculative-led growth to IMF-led crisis in Turkey E Yeldan Review of Radical Political Economics 38 (2), 193-213, 2006 | 149 | 2006 |
Inflation targeting, employment creation and economic development: assessing the impacts and policy alternatives G Epstein, E Yeldan International Review of Applied Economics 22 (2), 131-144, 2008 | 139 | 2008 |
Strategic policies and growth: an applied model of R&D-driven endogenous growth X Diao, T Roe, E Yeldan Journal of Development Economics 60 (2), 343-380, 1999 | 131 | 1999 |
Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde Dış Açık Sorunu ve Yapısal Nedenleri AE Yeldan Çalışma ve Toplum 4 (7), 47-60, 2005 | 118 | 2005 |
Financial liberalization and fiscal repression in Turkey: Policy analysis in a CGE model with financial markets AE Yeldan Journal of Policy Modeling 19 (1), 79-117, 1997 | 116 | 1997 |
An assessment of the Turkish economy in the AKP era A Erinç Yeldan, B Ünüvar Research and policy on Turkey 1 (1), 11-28, 2016 | 113 | 2016 |
The re‐making of the Turkish crisis Ö Orhangazi, AE Yeldan Development and change 52 (3), 460-503, 2021 | 111 | 2021 |
Dynamics of macroeconomic adjustment in a globalized developing economy: growth, accumulation and distribution, Turkey 1969–1999 K Metin-Ozcan, E Voyvoda, AE Yeldan Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2001 | 104 | 2001 |