Amaia Iriondo De Hond
Amaia Iriondo De Hond
Sección Departamental de Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos (Veterinaria), Universidad Complutense
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Validation of coffee by-products as novel food ingredients
A Iriondo-DeHond, NA Garcia, B Fernandez-Gomez, E Guisantes-Batan, ...
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 51, 194-204, 2019
Cannabidiol and Other Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids for Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders: Useful Nutraceuticals?
V Martínez, A Iriondo De-Hond, F Borrelli, R Capasso, MD del Castillo, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (9), 3067, 2020
Applications of Compounds from Coffee Processing By-Products
A Iriondo-DeHond, M Iriondo-DeHond, MD del Castillo
Biomolecules 10 (9), 1219, 2020
Effects of coffee and its components on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain–gut axis
A Iriondo-DeHond, JA Uranga, MD Del Castillo, R Abalo
Nutrients 13 (1), 88, 2021
Coffee silverskin extract protects against accelerated aging caused by oxidative agents
A Iriondo-DeHond, P Martorell, S Genovés, D Ramón, K Stamatakis, ...
Molecules 21 (6), 721, 2016
Are functional foods essential for sustainable health?
M Castillo, A Iriondo-DeHond, DM Martirosyan
Remedy Publications LLC, 2018
Effect of Coffee Cascara Dietary Fiber on the Physicochemical, Nutritional and Sensory Properties of a Gluten-Free Bread Formulation
MB Rios, A Iriondo-DeHond, M Iriondo-DeHond, T Herrera, D Velasco, ...
Molecules 25 (6), 1358, 2020
Assessment of healthy and harmful Maillard reaction products in a novel coffee cascara beverage: Melanoidins and acrylamide
A Iriondo-DeHond, AS Elizondo, M Iriondo-DeHond, MB Ríos, R Mufari, ...
Foods 9 (5), 620, 2020
An Assessment of the Bioactivity of Coffee Silverskin Melanoidins
S Tores de la Cruz, A Iriondo-DeHond, T Herrera, Y Lopez-Tofiño, ...
Foods 8 (2), 68, 2019
Coffee Silverskin Extract: Nutritional Value, Safety and Effect on Key Biological Functions
A Iriondo-DeHond, MB Rios, T Herrera, A Rodriguez-Bertos, F Nuñez, ...
Nutrients 11 (11), 2693, 2019
Assessment of antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiobesity, and anti-inflammatory properties of a Tannat winemaking by-product
AM Fernández-Fernández, A Iriondo-DeHond, E Dellacassa, ...
European Food Research and Technology 245, 1539-1551, 2019
Coffee by-products
MD Del Castillo, B Fernández-Gómez, N Martinez-Saez, ...
Coffee, 309-334, 2019
Validation of coffee silverskin extract as a food ingredient by the analysis of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity
A Iriondo-DeHond, AI Haza, A Ávalos, MD del Castillo, P Morales
Food research international 100, 791-797, 2017
Nuevas tendencias en la producción y consumo alimentario
Ó Martínez Álvarez, A Iriondo-DeHond, J Gómez-Estaca, M Castillo
Empresa Nacional Mercasa, 2021
Interest of coffee melanoidins as sustainable healthier food ingredients
A Iriondo-DeHond, A Rodríguez Casas, MD Del Castillo
Frontiers in Nutrition 8, 730343, 2021
Healthy eating recommendations: good for reducing dietary contribution to the body’s advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products pool?
MD Del Castillo, A Iriondo-DeHond, M Iriondo-DeHond, I Gonzalez, ...
Nutrition Research Reviews 34 (1), 48-63, 2021
Sensory acceptance, appetite control and gastrointestinal tolerance of yogurts containing coffee-cascara extract and inulin
M Iriondo-DeHond, A Iriondo-DeHond, T Herrera, ...
Nutrients 12 (3), 627, 2020
Antioxidant properties of high molecular weight compounds from coffee roasting and brewing byproducts
A Iriondo-DeHond, B Ramírez, FV Escobar, MD del Castillo
Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease-Online ISSN: 2574-0334; Print ISSN …, 2019
Applications of recovered compounds in food products
MD del Castillo, A Iriondo-DeHond, N Martínez-Saez, ...
Handbook of coffee processing by-products, 171-194, 2017
Coffee silverskin extract for aging and chronic diseases
MD del Castillo, B Fernandez-Gomez, N Martinez-Saez, ...
Functional Foods for Chronic Diseases; Martirosyan, DM, Ed.; CreateSpace …, 2016
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