Introduction to autonomous mobile robots R Siegwart, IR Nourbakhsh, D Scaramuzza MIT press, 2011 | 5265 | 2011 |
BRISK: Binary robust invariant scalable keypoints S Leutenegger, M Chli, RY Siegwart 2011 International conference on computer vision, 2548-2555, 2011 | 5040 | 2011 |
PID vs LQ control techniques applied to an indoor micro quadrotor S Bouabdallah, A Noth, R Siegwart 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2004 | 1982 | 2004 |
Keyframe-based visual–inertial odometry using nonlinear optimization S Leutenegger, S Lynen, M Bosse, R Siegwart, P Furgale The International Journal of Robotics Research 34 (3), 314-334, 2015 | 1945 | 2015 |
The EuRoC micro aerial vehicle datasets M Burri, J Nikolic, P Gohl, T Schneider, J Rehder, S Omari, MW Achtelik, ... The International Journal of Robotics Research 35 (10), 1157-1163, 2016 | 1863 | 2016 |
Backstepping and sliding-mode techniques applied to an indoor micro quadrotor S Bouabdallah, R Siegwart Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international conference on robotics and …, 2005 | 1602 | 2005 |
Design and control of an indoor micro quadrotor S Bouabdallah, P Murrieri, R Siegwart IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004 | 1241 | 2004 |
Full control of a quadrotor S Bouabdallah, R Siegwart 2007 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2007 | 1153 | 2007 |
Robust visual inertial odometry using a direct EKF-based approach M Bloesch, S Omari, M Hutter, R Siegwart 2015 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2015 | 1006 | 2015 |
A toolbox for easily calibrating omnidirectional cameras D Scaramuzza, A Martinelli, R Siegwart 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2006 | 938 | 2006 |
Comparing ICP variants on real-world data sets: Open-source library and experimental protocol F Pomerleau, F Colas, R Siegwart, S Magnenat Autonomous robots 34, 133-148, 2013 | 894 | 2013 |
Unified temporal and spatial calibration for multi-sensor systems P Furgale, J Rehder, R Siegwart 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013 | 822 | 2013 |
From coarse to fine: Robust hierarchical localization at large scale PE Sarlin, C Cadena, R Siegwart, M Dymczyk Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019 | 820 | 2019 |
A review of point cloud registration algorithms for mobile robotics F Pomerleau, F Colas, R Siegwart Foundations and Trends® in Robotics 4 (1), 1-104, 2015 | 760 | 2015 |
A novel parametrization of the perspective-three-point problem for a direct computation of absolute camera position and orientation L Kneip, D Scaramuzza, R Siegwart CVPR 2011, 2969-2976, 2011 | 690 | 2011 |
A robust and modular multi-sensor fusion approach applied to MAV navigation S Lynen, MW Achtelik, S Weiss, M Chli, R Siegwart 2013 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2013 | 661 | 2013 |
A flexible technique for accurate omnidirectional camera calibration and structure from motion D Scaramuzza, A Martinelli, R Siegwart Fourth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS'06), 45-45, 2006 | 627 | 2006 |
Voxblox: Incremental 3d euclidean signed distance fields for on-board mav planning H Oleynikova, Z Taylor, M Fehr, R Siegwart, J Nieto 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2017 | 625 | 2017 |
Control of a quadrotor with reinforcement learning J Hwangbo, I Sa, R Siegwart, M Hutter IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (4), 2096-2103, 2017 | 621 | 2017 |
Social integration of robots into groups of cockroaches to control self-organized choices J Halloy, G Sempo, G Caprari, C Rivault, M Asadpour, F Tâche, I Saïd, ... Science 318 (5853), 1155-1158, 2007 | 604 | 2007 |