Sri Hartati
Sri Hartati
在 unpad.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
A Review on Quality Enhancement of Oil Palm Trunk Waste by Resin Impregnation: Future Materials.
R Dungani, M Jawaid, HPS Abdul Khalil, S Aprilia, KR Hakeem, S Hartati, ...
BioResources 8 (2), 2013
In vitro study of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and endophytic bacteria antagonistic to Ralstonia solanacearum formulated with graphite and silica nano particles …
L Djaya, N Istifadah, S Hartati, IM Joni
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 19, 101153, 2019
Seleksi khamir epifit sebagai agens antagonis penyakit antraknosa pada cabai
S Hartati, S Wiyono, SH Hidayat, MS Sinaga
Jurnal Hortikultura 24 (3), 258-265, 2014
Review on quality enhancement of bamboo utilization: Preservation, modification and applications.
A Sulaeman, R Dungani, N Nurudin, S Hartati, T Karliati, P Aditiawati, ...
Termite Resistance Study of Oil Palm Trunk Lumber (OPTL) Impregnated with Oil Palm Shell Meal and Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin.
R Dungani, MN Islam, HPS Khalil, S Hartati, CK Abdullah, M Dewi, ...
BioResources 8 (4), 2013
Mode of action of yeast-like fungus Aureobasidium pullulans in controlling anthracnose of postharvest chili
S Hartati, S Wiyono, SH Hidayat, MS Sinaga
Int. J. Sci. Basic Appl. Res 20, 253-263, 2015
Hardwood tannin: sources, utilizations, and prospects
AK Das, MN Islam, MO Faruk, M Ashaduzzaman, R Dungani, E Rosamah, ...
Tannins-Structural Properties, Biological Properties and Current Knowledge, 2019
Reinforcing effects of seaweed nanoparticles in agar-based biopolymer composite: physical, water vapor barrier, mechanical, and biodegradable properties
R Dungani, I Sumardi, Y Suhaya, P Aditiawati, S Dody, E Rosamah, ...
BioResources 16 (3), 5118, 2021
Effect of Neem Oil Formulation on the Population of Soil Fungi and Disease Intencity of Cercospora Leaf Spot (Cercospora capsici) on Chilli Plants (Capsicum annuum)
S Hartati, D Dono, R Meliansyah, MA Yusuf
J. Cropsaver 1, 53-60, 2018
The nanocellulose fibers from symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) kombucha: Preparation and characterization
P Aditiawati, R Dungani, S Muharam, A Sulaeman, S Hartati, M Dewi, ...
Nanofibers-Synthesis, Properties and Applications, 2021
Komposisi komunitas serangga Aphidophaga dan Coccidophaga pada agroekosistem kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis L.) di Kabupaten Garut
LT Puspasari, MS Sianipar, S Hartati
Agrikultura 27 (1), 2016
Identifikasi Isolat Khamir Berpotensi sebagai Agens Antagonis dan Uji Produksi Toksin Hemolisin
MSS Sri Hartati, Suryo Wiyono, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat
Jurnal Agrikultura 32 (2), 190 - 198, 2021
Optimization of cellulose nanofiber production from oil palm empty fruit bunch using Trichoderma sp. with the solid state fermentation method
P Aditiawati, R Dungani, RM Fikri, S Hartati
BioResources 14 (2), 3688-3700, 2019
Potensi cuka kayu pinus dalam pengendalian penyakit antraknosa pada cabai merah
S Hartati, R Meliansyah, LT Puspasari
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 9 (6), 173-173, 2013
Kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Predator Laba-Laba pada Ekosistem Sawah Padi Hitam (Oryza sativa L.) Berpupuk Organik
YUS Vira Kusuma Dewi, Octaviani , Santika Sari , Sri Hartati , Toto Sunarto ...
Jurnal Agrikultura 30 (3), 125-133, 2019
Kompatibilitas Vegetatif Fusarium oxysporum dari Beberapa Tanaman Inang
SS Hartati, US Rustiani, LT Puspasari, W Kurniawan
Jurnal Agrikultura 27 (3), 132-139, 2016
Pengaruh Formulasi Metil Eugenol Block Plus Terhadap Tangkapan Lalat Buah Bactrocera spp. Pada Tanaman Cabai
DNBS Agus Susanto, Agus Dana Permana , Sri Hartati , Tohidin
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Entomology 18 (2), 93–101, 2021
Aplikasi kompos gulma siam chromolaena odorata terhadap sifat kimia tanah dan performa tanaman cabai
VK Dewi, NS Putra, B Purwanto, S Hartati, S Sari
Soilrens 16 (1), 66-72, 2018
Pemanfaatan cendawan endofit dalam mengingkatkan kualitas bibit tanaman padi
AF Irawati, S Hartati, RDH Windriyati
Buletin Pertanian Perkotaan 4 (2), 30-37, 2014
Seleksi ketahanan beberapa varietas padi (Oryza sativa) terhadap patogen penyebab penyakit hawar pelepah daun (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)
AFC Irawati, S Hartati
Buletin Pertanian Perkotaan 1 (1), 27-36, 2011
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