Soazig Casteau
Covert attention beyond the range of eye-movements: Evidence for a dissociation between exogenous and endogenous orienting
S Casteau, DT Smith
Cortex 122, 170-186, 2020
On the effect of remote and proximal distractors on saccadic behavior: A challenge to neural-field models
S Casteau, F Vitu
Journal of Vision 12 (12), 14-14, 2012
Associations and dissociations between oculomotor readiness and covert attention
S Casteau, DT Smith
Vision 3 (2), 17, 2019
Spatial attention and spatial short term memory in PSP and Parkinson's disease
DT Smith, S Casteau, N Archibald
Cortex 137, 49-60, 2021
The magnification factor accounts for the greater hypometria and imprecision of larger saccades: Evidence from a parametric human-behavioral study
F Vitu, S Casteau, H Adeli, GJ Zelinsky, E Castet
Journal of Vision 17 (4), 2-2, 2017
The effect of offset cues on saccade programming and covert attention
DT Smith, S Casteau
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (3), 481-490, 2019
Associations and dissociations between oculomotor readiness and covert attention. Vision, 3 (2), 1-17
S Casteau, DT Smith
Etude des mécanismes de génération des mouvements saccadiques chez l'homme: Effets des propriétés de la configuration visuelle sur la latence et la métrique des saccades.
S Casteau
Université de Provence-Aix-Marseille I, 2012
Evidence for and against a role of lateral interactions in saccade generation
S Casteau, F Vitu
15th European conference on eye movements, Southampton, UK, 2009
On the link between attentional search and the oculomotor system: Is preattentive search restricted to the range of eye movements?
S Casteau, DT Smith
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 518-532, 2020
On the limited effect of stimulus boundaries on saccade metrics
C Tandonnet, S Casteau, F Vitu
Journal of Vision 13 (12), 13-13, 2013
Mapping the distribution of neural activity in humans’ oculomotor centres: A behavioural study
S Casteau, F Vitu
Poster presented at the 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, Marseille, 2011
The presence of placeholders modulates the naso-temporal asymmetry in the remote distractor effect
S Casteau, R Lodge, M Chalkley, R Walker, DT Smith
Cortex 141, 201-210, 2021
An image-based population model of human saccade programming in the Superior Colliculus
H Adeli, S Casteau, F Vitu, G Zelinsky
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1215-1215, 2014
How the distorted representation of visual space in our brain constrains the way we move our eyes.
F Vitu, S Casteau, D Massendari, L van der Linden
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 751-751, 2014
Population averaging in the distorted map of the superior colliculus: A new and simple account of systematic saccadic undershoot.
F Vitu, S Casteau
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1220-1220, 2013
Saccadic eye movements in two-stimulus visual displays: foveal and peripheral distractor stimuli are not equal
F Vitu, S Casteau
Perception 37, 131-132, 2008
Cognitive and motor processes in visuospatial attention: An interactionist perspective.
DT Smith, S van der Stigchel, S Casteau, T Schenk
Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior …, 2021
Is covert visual search biologically constrained by the effective oculomotor range?
DT Smith, S Casteau
Journal of Eye Movement Research 12 (7), 2019
How holding an item in visual working memory affects pre-saccadic shift of attention.
S Casteau, C Bush, M Chalkley, N Rogerson, DT Smith
Journal of Eye Movement Research 12 (7), 2019
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