Jairo León-Quismondo
Jairo León-Quismondo
PhD, Professor and Researcher. Universidad Europea de Madrid. Faculty of Sport Sciences
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Best Practices for Fitness Center Business Sustainability: A Qualitative Vision
J León-Quismondo, J García-Unanue, P Burillo
Sustainability 12 (12), 5067, 2020
Service Perceptions in Fitness Centers: IPA Approach by Gender and Age
J León-Quismondo, J García-Unanue, P Burillo
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (8), 2844, 2020
The New Generation of Professional Soccer Talent Is Born under the Bias of the RAE: Relative Age Effect in International Male Youth Soccer Championships
B Pérez-González, J León-Quismondo, J Bonal, P Burillo, ...
Children 8 (12), 1117, 2021
Análisis de Importancia-Valoración (IPA) y Modelo Kano aplicados a centros fitness de la Comunidad de Madrid
J León-Quismondo, J García-Unanue, P Burillo
Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte 15 (44), 223-234, 2020
Priorities in the management of fitness centers. Application of Importance-Performance Analysis
J León-Quismondo, J García-Unanue, P Burillo
Journal of Sports Economics & Management 8 (3), 116-136, 2018
The Glass Ceiling in the Sport Industry: Spanish Version of the Women as Managers Scale (WAMS)
J Gallardo-Pérez, B Romero-Moraleda, V Paredes-Hernández, ...
Sexes 2 (2), 163-173, 2021
Uso de videojuegos en Educación Física y desarrollo del autoconcepto en la adolescencia: diferencias entre sexos
C Merino-Campos, J León-Quismondo, J Gallardo-Pérez, ...
Retos 47, 110-118, 2023
How Can We Improve Running Events? The IPA4RE Questionnaire and Its Potential Impact on the Experience of Runners
J León-Quismondo, J Bonal, P Burillo, Á Fernández-Luna
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (3), 1703, 2023
Impacto económico, valoración de evento y recuerdo de patrocinio en un maratón popular
B Pérez-González, JL Gómez-Carmona, J León-Quismondo, P Burillo, ...
Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte 16 (50), 617-630, 2021
Best practices for fitness center business sustainability: A qualitative vision. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (12)
J León-Quismondo, J García-Unanue, P Burillo
Walkability and Fitness Center Prices, Opening Hours, and Extra Services: The Case of Madrid, Spain
J León-Quismondo, J Bonal, P Burillo, Á Fernández-Luna
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (15), 5622, 2020
Social Sensing and Individual Brands in Sports: Lessons Learned from English-Language Reactions on Twitter to Pau Gasol’s Retirement Announcement
J León-Quismondo
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (2), 895, 2023
Sustainability Marketing in the National Football League (NFL): The Case of the Philadelphia Eagles
J León-Quismondo
Social and Sustainability Marketing: A Casebook for Reaching Your Socially …, 2021
Non-professional sport academies in Spain: the parents' perspective
J Bonal, J León-Quismondo, P Burillo, B Pérez-González, ...
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 20 (5-6), 428-444, 2020
Estudio de los factores críticos de éxito en los centros fitness de gestión privada de la Comunidad de Madrid
J León-Quismondo
Universidad Europea, 2019
Why are there no female coaches in elite women’s soccer? A qualitative study of Spanish female coaches
A Burillo, J León-Quismondo, Á Fernández-Luna, P Burillo
Sport in Society 27 (1), 1-13, 2024
Combating Bullying and Judgment Through Socially Responsible Marketing. The case of Planet Fitness
J León-Quismondo
Socially Responsible Consumption and Marketing in Practice: Collection of …, 2022
Aplicación del análisis IPA en un evento internacional de Hípica
J León-Quismondo, ÁF Luna, P Burillo
Deporte y regulación: nuevos escenarios y desafíos: actas del XI Congreso …, 2021
Estrategias de gestión de centros fitness en la región sur de Connecticut. Análisis preliminar
J León-Quismondo, L deLisle, J García-Unanue, P Burillo
Habilidad Motriz, 14-21, 2016
Efecto de la Edad Relativa en baloncesto. El caso de jugadores profesionales de baloncesto de China
J Bonal, J León-Quismondo, Á Fernández-Luna, P Burillo, ...
Journal of sport and health research 16 (2), 227-238, 2024
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