Bethany Cooper
Bethany Cooper
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Does anybody like water restrictions? Some observations in Australian urban communities
B Cooper, J Rose, L Crase
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 56 (1), 61-81, 2012
Best practice pricing principles and the politics of water pricing
B Cooper, L Crase, N Pawsey
Agricultural water management 145, 92-97, 2014
What drives compliance? An application of the theory of planned behaviour to urban water restrictions using structural equation modelling
B Cooper
Applied Economics 49 (14), 1426-1439, 2017
Urban water restrictions: Attitudes and avoidance
B Cooper, M Burton, L Crase
Water Resources Research 47 (12), 2011
Achieving fish passage outcomes at irrigation infrastructure; a case study from the Lower Mekong Basin
LJ Baumgartner, C Barlow, M Mallen-Cooper, C Boys, T Marsden, ...
Aquaculture and Fisheries 6 (2), 113-124, 2021
Willingness to pay to avoid water restrictions in Australia under a changing climate
B Cooper, M Burton, L Crase
Environmental and resource economics 72 (3), 823-847, 2019
Water pricing in Australia: Unbundled politics, accounting, and water pricing
L Crase, N Pawsey, B Cooper
Water pricing experiences and innovations, 15-39, 2015
Governing water service provision: Lessons from Australia
B Cooper, L Crase
Utilities Policy 43, 42-47, 2016
Analysing irrigation farmers’ preferences for local governance using a discrete choice experiment in India and Pakistan
M Burton, B Cooper, L Crase
Water 12 (6), 1821, 2020
The closure of Melbourne's North–South Pipeline: A case of hydraulic autarky
L Crase, N Pawsey, B Cooper
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 33 (2), 115-122, 2014
An economic lens to understanding antimicrobial resistance: disruptive cases to livestock and wastewater management in Australia
B Cooper, WO Okello
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 65 (4), 900-917, 2021
Incorporating amenity and ecological values of urban water into planning frameworks: evidence from Melbourne, Australia
B Cooper, L Crase, D Maybery
Australasian journal of environmental management 24 (1), 64-80, 2017
Politics, socio-economics and water allocations: A note on the limits of integrated water resources management
L Crase, B Cooper
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 22 (4), 388-399, 2015
Using choice modelling to reveal waste water preferences in regional Victoria
B Cooper, L Crase, B Dollery
Desalination 188 (1-3), 31-41, 2006
Pushing the governance boundaries: making transparent the role of water utilities in managing urban waterways
B Cooper, L Crase, D Maybery
Water Resources Management 31, 2429-2446, 2017
Waste water preferences in rural towns across north-east Victoria: A choice modelling approach
B Cooper, L Crase
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 15 (1), 41-50, 2008
Australian water policy reform: Lessons learned and potential transferability
L Crase, J Connor, S Michaels, B Cooper
Climate Policy 20 (5), 641-651, 2020
Mainstreaming gender into irrigation: Experiences from Pakistan
JA Memon, B Cooper, S Wheeler
Water 11 (11), 2408, 2019
Farmer cooperation in participatory irrigation in South Asia: Insights from game theory
S Hone, L Crase, M Burton, B Cooper, VP Gandhi, M Ashfaq, B Lashari, ...
Water 12 (5), 1329, 2020
Strategies for integrating farmers into modern vegetable supply chains in Vietnam: farmer attitudes and willingness to accept
HD Pham, L Crase, M Burton, B Cooper
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63 (2), 265-281, 2019
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