Aïcha Zitouni
Aïcha Zitouni
Université des Sciences et Technologie Houari Boumediene
在 usthb.dz 的电子邮件经过验证
Preprocessing solutions for detection of sarcasm and sentiment for Arabic
M Lichouri, M Abbas, B Benaziz, A Zitouni, K Lounnas
Proceedings of the sixth Arabic natural language processing workshop, 376-380, 2021
Arabic dialect identification based on a weighted concatenation of TF-IDF features
M Lichouri, M Abbas, K Lounnas, B Benaziz, A Zitouni
Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, 282-286, 2021
DNN-SVM Automatic ECG Signals Heartbeat Classification
A Amrouche, A Abed, N Hezil, M Zalagh, KN Boubakeur, A Zitouni
2023 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2023
USTHB at NADI 2023 shared task: Exploring Preprocessing and Feature Engineering Strategies for Arabic Dialect Identification
M Lichouri, K Lounnas, A Zitouni, H Latrache, R Djeradi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.10536, 2023
Children Autism Detection Using Residual CNN and EfficientNetB1
B Benaziz, A Zitouni, A Amrouche
2023 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Advanced …, 2023
DZ-SMS: An Authentic Corpus of Algerian SMS
B Dahou, L Falek, M Abbas, S Mekaoui, M Lichouri, A Zitouni
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing …, 2023
Analysis of the Influence of the Arabic Fricatives Vocalic Context on Their Spectral Parameters
A Zitouni, L Falek, M Abbas, M Lichouri, K Lounnas
Advances in Computing Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 4th …, 2021
Design and construction of 14 Arabic fricatives dataset, classification and characterization using CRNN, transformers, and H-CRNN
A Zitouni, L Falek, A Amrouche, B Dahou, M Abbas
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-31, 2024
USTHB at ArAIEval’23 Shared Task: Disinformation Detection System based on Linguistic Feature Concatenation
M Lichouri, K Lounnas, A Zitouni, H Latrache, R Djeradi
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023, 508-512, 2023
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