Eun Kyo Ko
Eun Kyo Ko
Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University
在 stanford.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Controllable Thickness Inhomogeneity and Berry Curvature Engineering of Anomalous Hall Effect in SrRuO3 Ultrathin Films
L Wang, Q Feng, HG Lee, EK Ko, Q Lu, TW Noh
Nano letters 20 (4), 2468-2477, 2020
Two-channel anomalous Hall effect in
G Kimbell, PM Sass, B Woltjes, EK Ko, TW Noh, W Wu, JWA Robinson
Physical Review Materials 4 (5), 054414, 2020
Atomic‐Scale Metal–Insulator Transition in SrRuO3 Ultrathin Films Triggered by Surface Termination Conversion
HG Lee, L Wang, L Si, X He, DG Porter, JR Kim, EK Ko, J Kim, SM Park, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (8), 1905815, 2020
Oxygen Vacancy Engineering for Highly Tunable Ferromagnetic Properties: A Case of SrRuO3 Ultrathin Film with a SrTiO3 Capping Layer
EK Ko, J Mun, HG Lee, J Kim, J Song, SH Chang, TH Kim, SB Chung, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (50), 2001486, 2020
Colossal flexoresistance in dielectrics
SM Park, B Wang, T Paudel, SY Park, S Das, JR Kim, EK Ko, HG Lee, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2586, 2020
Superconducting Sr2RuO4 Thin Films without Out-of-Phase Boundaries by Higher-Order Ruddlesden–Popper Intergrowth
J Kim, J Mun, CM Palomares Garciá, B Kim, RS Perry, Y Jo, H Im, HG Lee, ...
Nano Letters 21 (10), 4185-4192, 2021
Strain engineering of the magnetic multipole moments and anomalous Hall effect in pyrochlore iridate thin films
WJ Kim, T Oh, J Song, EK Ko, Y Li, J Mun, B Kim, J Son, Z Yang, ...
Science Advances 6 (29), eabb1539, 2020
Extended oxygen octahedral tilt proximity near oxide heterostructures
J Mun, EK Ko, B Kang, B Gil, CH Kim, S Hahn, J Song, Y Zhu, C Sohn, ...
Nano Letters 23 (3), 1036-1043, 2023
In-operando spectroscopic ellipsometry studies of IrO2 dynamic instabilities: Guide to in-situ growth of pyrochlore iridate thin films
WJ Kim, EK Ko, SY Kim, B Kim, TW Noh
Current Applied Physics 19 (4), 400-405, 2019
Honeycomb oxide heterostructure as a candidate host for a Kitaev quantum spin liquid
B Kang, M Park, S Song, S Noh, D Choe, M Kong, M Kim, C Seo, EK Ko, ...
Physical Review B 107 (7), 075103, 2023
Heteroepitaxial Control of Fermi Liquid, Hund Metal, and Mott Insulator Phases in Single‐Atomic‐Layer Ruthenates
JR Kim, B Sohn, HJ Lee, S Lee, EK Ko, S Hahn, S Lee, Y Kim, D Kim, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (15), 2208833, 2023
Flexoelectric polarizing and control of a ferromagnetic metal
W Peng, SY Park, CJ Roh, J Mun, H Ju, J Kim, EK Ko, Z Liang, S Hahn, ...
Nature Physics 20 (3), 450-455, 2024
Tuning orbital-selective phase transitions in a two-dimensional Hund’s correlated system
EK Ko, S Hahn, C Sohn, S Lee, SSB Lee, B Sohn, JR Kim, J Son, J Song, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 3572, 2023
Higher harmonics in planar Hall effect induced by cluster magnetic multipoles
J Song, T Oh, EK Ko, JH Lee, WJ Kim, Y Zhu, BJ Yang, Y Li, TW Noh
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6501, 2022
Tunable Two‐Channel Magnetotransport in SrRuO3 Ultrathin Films Achieved by Controlling the Kinetics of Heterostructure Deposition
EK Ko, HG Lee, S Lee, J Mun, J Kim, JH Lee, TH Kim, JS Chung, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 8 (2), 2100804, 2022
Engineering structural homogeneity and magnetotransport in strained Nd2Ir2O7 films
J Song, EK Ko, S Lee, J Mun, JH Jeong, JH Lee, WJ Kim, M Kim, Y Li, ...
APL Materials 11 (6), 2023
An optimized scheme for detecting magneto-optic effects in ultrathin films with Sagnac interferometry
XD Zhu, EK Ko, G Kimbell, J Robinson
Review of Scientific Instruments 93 (9), 2022
Strong Light Confinement in Metal-Coated Si Nanopillars: Interplay of Plasmonic Effects and Geometric Resonance
S Kim, E Kim, YU Lee, E Ko, HH Park, JW Wu, DW Kim
Nanoscale research letters 12, 1-5, 2017
Nanoscale Enhancement of the Local Optical Conductivity near Cracks in Metallic SrRuO3 Film
CJ Roh, EK Ko, Y Chang, SH Park, J Mun, M Kim, TW Noh
ACS nano 17 (9), 8233-8241, 2023
Transparent conducting oxides SrNbO3 thin film with record high figure of merit
J Jeong, B Kang, J Song, S Lee, CH Kim, U Choi, EK Ko, JH Lee, HT Lee, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (11), 6764-6770, 2024
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