Systematic review and meta-analysis of augmented reality in educational settings J Garzón, J Pavón, S Baldiris Virtual Reality 23 (4), 447-459, 2019 | 520 | 2019 |
Agent oriented analysis using MESSAGE/UML G Caire, W Coulier, F Garijo, J Gomez, J Pavon, F Leal, P Chainho, ... Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II: Second International Workshop, AOSE …, 2002 | 496 | 2002 |
Agent oriented software engineering with INGENIAS J Pavón, J Gómez-Sanz International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems …, 2003 | 455 | 2003 |
The INGENIAS methodology and tools J Pavón, JJ Gómez-Sanz, R Fuentes Agent-oriented methodologies, 236-276, 2005 | 349 | 2005 |
Development of CBR-BDI agents: a tourist guide application JM Corchado, J Pavón, ES Corchado, LF Castillo Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004 …, 2004 | 288 | 2004 |
How do pedagogical approaches affect the impact of augmented reality on education? A meta-analysis and research synthesis J Garzón, S Baldiris, J Gutiérrez, J Pavón Educational Research Review 31, 100334, 2020 | 265 | 2020 |
FAML: a generic metamodel for MAS development G Beydoun, G Low, B Henderson-Sellers, H Mouratidis, JJ Gomez-Sanz, ... IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 35 (6), 841-863, 2009 | 220 | 2009 |
Development of intelligent multisensor surveillance systems with agents J Pavón, J Gómez-Sanz, A Fernández-Caballero, JJ Valencia-Jiménez Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55 (12), 892-903, 2007 | 131 | 2007 |
Model driven development of multi-agent systems J Pavón, J Gómez-Sanz, R Fuentes European Conference on Model Driven Architecture-Foundations and …, 2006 | 128 | 2006 |
Agents for the web J Pavón, J Corchado International journal of Web engineering and technology 1 (4), 393-396, 2004 | 121 | 2004 |
Mobile tourist guide services with software agents J Pavón, JM Corchado, JJ Gómez-Sanz, LF Castillo Ossa Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications: First International Workshop …, 2004 | 121 | 2004 |
Ethics by design: Necessity or curse? V Dignum, M Baldoni, C Baroglio, M Caon, R Chatila, L Dennis, ... Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 60-66, 2018 | 115 | 2018 |
Understanding the human context in requirements elicitation R Fuentes-Fernández, JJ Gómez-Sanz, J Pavón Requirements engineering 15, 267-283, 2010 | 99 | 2010 |
Agent-oriented software engineering C Bernon, M Cossentino, J Pavón The Knowledge Engineering Review 20 (2), 99-116, 2005 | 95 | 2005 |
Agent-based modelling and simulation for the analysis of social patterns J Pavón, M Arroyo, S Hassan, C Sansores Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (8), 1039-1048, 2008 | 92 | 2008 |
INGENIAS Development Kit: a visual multi-agent system development environment JJ Gomez-Sanz, R Fuentes, J Pavón, I García-Magariño Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |
MESSAGE: Methodology for engineering systems of software agents R Evans, P Kearney, G Caire, F Garijo, J Gomez Sanz, J Pavon, F Leal, ... EURESCOM, EDIN, 0223-0907, 2001 | 80 | 2001 |
Autonomous mission management R Fuentes, JJG Sanz, R Molina, C Montes, J Pavon, D Scarlatti US Patent App. 14/046,518, 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
Testing in multi-agent systems CD Nguyen, A Perini, C Bernon, J Pavón, J Thangarajah International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 180-190, 2009 | 74 | 2009 |
Asking the oracle: Introducing forecasting principles into agent-based modelling S Hassan, J Arroyo, JM Galán Ordax, L Antunes, J Pavón Mestras Journal of artificial societies and social simulation. 2013, V. 16, n. 3, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |