Carrie L. Johnson
Homeownership among millennials: The deferred American dream?
Y Xu, C Johnson, S Bartholomae, B O'Neill, MS Gutter
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 44 (2), 201-212, 2015
What Are Student Loan Borrowers Thinking? Insights from Focus Groups on College Selection and Student Loan Decision Making.
CL Johnson, B O'neill, SL Worthy, JM Lown, CF Bowen
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 27 (2), 184-198, 2016
Perceived value of college as an investment in human and social capital: Views of generations X and Y
CL Johnson, M Gutter, Y Xu, SH Cho, S DeVaney
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 45 (2), 193-207, 2016
Does webinar-based financial education affect knowledge and behavior?
CL Johnson, JB Schumacher
The Journal of Extension 54 (1), 19, 2016
Do new student loan borrowers know what they are signing? A phenomenological study of the financial aid experiences of high school seniors and college freshmen
CL Johnson
Iowa State University, 2012
As soon as..." finances: A study of financial decision-making
B O'Neill, Y Xu, C Johnson, DE Kiss, S Buyske
Journal of Personal Finance 18 (1), 37-53, 2019
Launching a text message intervention to assist student loan borrowers with repayment decisions
CL Johnson, S Bartholomae, J Serido, MJ Katras, E Tobe
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 48 (3), 230-244, 2020
How Americans define affordable housing
CL Johnson, B Hanson, D Evans, J Kim, A Long, J Fife
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 47 (4), 395-409, 2019
Do new student loan borrowers know what they are signing
CL Johnson
A phenomenological study of the financial aid experiences of high school …, 2012
Rural healthcare providers’ perceptions of patient financial well‐being and integrating financial capability services
S Bartholomae, DE Kiss, JM Collins, CL Johnson, CA Janney
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 50 (1), 27-41, 2021
An exploration of gender bias, framing, and student loan decisions through an experimental design
TP Mountain, N Kim, MS Gutter, E Kiss, SH Cho, CL Johnson
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 41, 350-363, 2020
Twitter chats as a research tool: A study of young adult financial decisions
B O’Neill, Y Xu, CL Johnson, E Kiss
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension 6 (1), 7, 2018
Understanding federal student loan repayment
C Johnson
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 43 (4), 306-312, 2015
Farm/ranch succession planning program motivates families to take steps
CL Johnson, SL Carlson
The Journal of Extension 58 (6), 22, 2020
O'Neill, B.(2020). Flipping a switch: Your guide to happiness and financial Security in later life. Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. ISBN 978‐1‐620‐23686‐4 (paperback). 281 pages.
CL Johnson
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 51 (1), 65-67, 2022
Differences in the Determinants of Retirement Preparation between Farm and Nonfarm Households
SL Worthy, T Mountain, S Chaterjee, C Johnson, E Kiss, B O'Neill, ...
Journal of Applied Farm Economics 3 (2), Article 5, 2020
Conceptualizing Health and Financial Wellness: Using Facilitated Discussion to Collect Input from Professionals
E Kiss, S Bartholomae, C Johnson, B O'Neill, Y Xu, M Gutter
Credit CARD Act of 2009: The Changes and When They Take Effect
C Johnson, CM County, E Gorham
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