Jennifer Allen
Jennifer Allen
Professor of Community Health, Tufts University
在 tufts.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The transition from breast cancer ‘patient’to ‘survivor’
JD Allen, S Savadatti, A Gurmankin Levy
Psycho‐Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral …, 2009
Parental decision making about the HPV vaccine
JD Allen, MKD Othus, RC Shelton, Y Li, N Norman, L Tom, ...
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 19 (9), 2187-2198, 2010
Stage of adoption of the human papillomavirus vaccine among college women
JD Allen, AP Mohllajee, RC Shelton, MKD Othus, HB Fontenot, R Hanna
Preventive medicine 48 (5), 420-425, 2009
Fidelity and its relationship to implementation effectiveness, adaptation, and dissemination
JD Allen, LA Linnan, KM Emmons, R Brownson, G Colditz, E Proctor
Dissemination and implementation research in health: Translating science to …, 2012
Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in California, 1993–2006
R Banerjee, J Allen, J Westenhouse, P Oh, W Elms, E Desmond, A Nitta, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 47 (4), 450-457, 2008
A systematic review of measures used in studies of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptability
JD Allen, GD Coronado, RS Williams, B Glenn, C Escoffery, M Fernandez, ...
Vaccine 28 (24), 4027-4037, 2010
African-American men's perceptions about prostate cancer: implications for designing educational interventions
JD Allen, M Kennedy, A Wilson-Glover, TD Gilligan
Social science & medicine 64 (11), 2189-2200, 2007
Decreasing women's anxieties after abnormal mammograms: a controlled trial
MB Barton, DS Morley, S Moore, JD Allen, KP Kleinman, KM Emmons, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 96 (7), 529-538, 2004
HPV vaccine decision-making and acceptance: does religion play a role?
RC Shelton, AC Snavely, M De Jesus, MD Othus, JD Allen
Journal of religion and health 52, 1120-1130, 2013
Integration of health protection and health promotion: rationale, indicators, and metrics
G Sorensen, D McLellan, JT Dennerlein, NP Pronk, JD Allen, LI Boden, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 55, S12-S18, 2013
Follow-up of abnormal screening mammograms among low-income ethnically diverse women: findings from a qualitative study
JD Allen, RC Shelton, E Harden, RE Goldman
Patient education and counseling 72 (2), 283-292, 2008
Pathways between acculturation and health behaviors among residents of low-income housing: The mediating role of social and contextual factors
JD Allen, C Caspi, M Yang, B Leyva, AM Stoddard, S Tamers, ...
Social science & medicine 123, 26-36, 2014
National Institutes of Health state-of-the-science conference statement: Enhancing use and quality of colorectal cancer screening
D Steinwachs, JD Allen, WE Barlow, RP Duncan, LE Egede, LS Friedman, ...
Annals of internal medicine 152 (10), 663-667, 2010
Discrimination and systemic inflammation: a critical review and synthesis
AG Cuevas, AD Ong, K Carvalho, T Ho, SWC Chan, JD Allen, R Chen, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 89, 465-479, 2020
The benefits of passion and absorption in activities: Engaged living in adolescents and its role in psychological well-being
JJ Froh, TB Kashdan, C Yurkewicz, J Fan, J Allen, J Glowacki
The Journal of Positive Psychology 5 (4), 311-332, 2010
Integrating clinical, community, and policy perspectives on human papillomavirus vaccination
ME Fernández, JD Allen, R Mistry, JA Kahn
Annual review of public health 31 (1), 235-252, 2010
Social support and health behavior in hostile black and white men and women in CARDIA
J Allen, J Markovitz, DR Jacobs Jr, SS Knox
Psychosomatic medicine 63 (4), 609-618, 2001
Beliefs about Papanicolaou smears and compliance with Papanicolaou smear follow-up in adolescents
JA Kahn, V Chiou, JD Allen, E Goodman, SE Perlman, SJ Emans
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 153 (10), 1046-1054, 1999
Measures of organizational characteristics associated with adoption and/or implementation of innovations: a systematic review
JD Allen, SD Towne, AE Maxwell, L DiMartino, B Leyva, DJ Bowen, ...
BMC health services research 17, 1-10, 2017
Do social network characteristics predict mammography screening practices?
JD Allen, AM Stoddard, G Sorensen
Health Education & Behavior 35 (6), 763-776, 2008
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