Christine Anlanger
Christine Anlanger
在 ufz.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Agriculture has changed the amount and composition of dissolved organic matter in Central European headwater streams
D Graeber, J Gelbrecht, MT Pusch, C Anlanger, D von Schiller
Science of the Total Environment 438, 435-446, 2012
The role of hydrodynamics in shaping the composition and architecture of epilithic biofilms in fluvial ecosystems
U Risse-Buhl, C Anlanger, K Kalla, TR Neu, C Noss, A Lorke, M Weitere
Water Research 127, 211-222, 2017
Performance of the Vectrino Profiler at the sediment–water interface
K Koca, C Noss, C Anlanger, A Brand, A Lorke
Journal of Hydraulic Research 55 (4), 573-581, 2017
Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach
M Weitere, R Altenburger, C Anlanger, M Baborowski, I Bärlund, ...
Science of the Total Environment 769, 144324, 2021
Hydrodynamics alter the tolerance of autotrophic biofilm communities toward herbicides
BH Polst, C Anlanger, U Risse-Buhl, F Larras, T Hein, M Weitere, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2884, 2018
Secondary production and richness of native and non-native macroinvertebrates are driven by human-altered shoreline morphology in a large river
M Brabender, M Weitere, C Anlanger, M Brauns
Hydrobiologia 776, 51-65, 2016
Near streambed flow shapes microbial guilds within and across trophic levels in fluvial biofilms
U Risse‐Buhl, C Anlanger, A Chatzinotas, C Noss, A Lorke, M Weitere
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (10), 2261-2277, 2020
Streamside mobile mesocosms (MOBICOS): A new modular research infrastructure for hydro‐ecological process studies across catchment‐scale gradients
P Fink, H Norf, C Anlanger, M Brauns, N Kamjunke, U Risse‐Buhl, ...
International Review of Hydrobiology 105 (3-4), 63-73, 2020
Effective restoration measures in river‐floodplain ecosystems: Lessons learned from the ‘Wilde Mulde’project
C Schulz‐Zunkel, C Seele‐Dilbat, C Anlanger, M Baborowski, ...
International review of hydrobiology 107 (1-2), 9-21, 2022
Large wood in river restoration: a case study on the effects on hydromorphology, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning
C Anlanger, K Attermeyer, S Hille, N Kamjunke, K Koll, M König, ...
International Review of Hydrobiology, 2022
Hydraulic and biological controls of biofilm nitrogen uptake in gravel‐bed streams
C Anlanger, U Risse‐Buhl, D von Schiller, C Noss, M Weitere, A Lorke
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (11), 3887-3900, 2021
Biofilm-specific uptake does not explain differences in whole-stream DOC tracer uptake between a forest and an agricultural stream
D Graeber, B Gücker, R Wild, NS Wells, C Anlanger, N Kamjunke, H Norf, ...
Biogeochemistry 144 (1), 85-101, 2019
Field experiments on flow hydrodynamics and exchange processes in groyne fields
A Sukhodolov, I Schnauder, C Anlanger, HP Rauch, WSJ Uijttewaal
River flow 2008, proceedings of international conferences, Cesme, Turkey …, 2008
Wake flow patterns and turbulence around naturally deposited and installed trees in a gravel bed river
I Schnauder, C Anlanger, K Koll
International Review of Hydrobiology, 2022
Field-scale experiments and analysis of turbulent flow structures in a river reach with groynes
C Anlanger
na, 2008
Hydromorphologic sorting of in-stream nitrogen uptake across spatial scales
U Risse-Buhl, C Anlanger, C Noss, A Lorke, D von Schiller, M Weitere
Ecosystems 24 (5), 1184-1202, 2021
Hydromorphologische Indikatoren als Zeiger für den Status des Sedimenthaushaltes der Elbe zwischen der deutschtschechischen Grenze und Geesthacht
I Quick, KH Jährling, S Vollmer, C Anlanger, D Fricke
Fachbeiträge zum Sedimentmanagementkonzept Elbe, 2014
Benthic metabolism and nutrient uptake vary with geomorphology and season in a lowland river
K Attermeyer, C Anlanger, M Weitere, N Kamjunke, M Brauns
Freshwater Science 42 (1), 58-69, 2023
Reflexion des Naturschutz-, Forschungs- und Umweltbildungsprojekts „Wilde Mulde“
H Schrenner, C Schulz-Zunkel, C Rast, G., Gapinski, C Anlanger, ...
Auenmagazin, 22-27, 2020
Interactions between flow hydrodynamics and biofilm attributes and functioning in stream ecosystems
C Anlanger
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, 2023
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