Alexander Wandl
Alexander Wandl
Associate professor, Depatment of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
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Sustainable planning of peri-urban areas: Introduction to the special issue
A Wandl, M Magoni
Planning Practice & Research 32 (1), 1-3, 2017
Beyond urban–rural classifications: Characterising and mapping territories-in-between across Europe
DIA Wandl, V Nadin, W Zonneveld, R Rooij
Landscape and Urban Planning 130, 50-63, 2014
A holistic sustainability framework for waste management in European cities: Concept development
SE Taelman, D Tonini, A Wandl, J Dewulf
Sustainability 10 (7), 2184, 2018
Quantitative sustainability assessment of household food waste management in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
D Tonini, A Wandl, K Meister, PM Unceta, SE Taelman, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 160, 104854, 2020
Facilitating circular economy in urban planning
H Remøy, A Wandl, D Ceric, A Timmeren
Urban Planning 4 (3), 1-4, 2019
Amsterwarm: Mapping the landuse, health and energy-efficiency implications of the Amsterdam urban heat island
F Van Der Hoeven, A Wandl
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 36 (1), 67-88, 2015
The circular economy concept in design education: Enhancing understanding and innovation by means of situated learning
A Wandl, V Balz, L Qu, C Furlan, G Arciniegas, U Hackauf
Urban Planning 4 (3), 63-75, 2019
A geodesign decision support environment for integrating management of resource flows in spatial planning
G Arciniegas, R Šileryté, M Dąbrowski, A Wandl, B Dukai, M Bohnet, ...
Urban Planning 4 (3), 32-51, 2019
Social-ecological-technical systems in urban planning for a circular economy: An opportunity for horizontal integration
J Van Der Leer, A Van Timmeren, A Wandl
Architectural Science Review 61 (5), 298-304, 2018
Towards sustainable territories-in-between: a multidimensional typology of open spaces in Europe
A Wandl, R Rooij, R Rocco
Planning Practice & Research 32 (1), 55-84, 2017
European waste statistics data for a circular economy monitor: opportunities and limitations from the amsterdam metropolitan region
R Sileryte, A Sabbe, V Bouzas, K Meister, A Wandl, A van Timmeren
Journal of Cleaner Production 358, 131767, 2022
F van der Hoeven, A Wandl
TU Delft, 2015
Territories-in-between: A cross-case comparison of dispersed urban development in Europe
A Wandl
A+ BE| Architecture and the Built Environment, 1-392, 2020
A literature review and categorisation of sustainability aimed urban metabolism indicators: a context, indicator, mechanism, outcome analysis.
Y Song, A van Timmeren, A Wandl
Regional Statistics 9 (1), 2019
Spatial clustering of waste reuse in a circular economy: A spatial autocorrelation analysis on locations of waste reuse in the Netherlands using global and local Moran’s I
T Tsui, A Derumigny, D Peck, A van Timmeren, A Wandl
Frontiers in Built Environment 8, 954642, 2022
Understanding the planning of open-spaces in territories-in-between: Dupuy’s Network Urbanism approach applied to areas in-between urban and rural
A Wandl, R Rooij, R Rocco
Proceedings of RSA EUROPEAN-CONFERENCE-2012 Delft Networked Regions and …, 2012
Territorialising circularity
C Furlan, A Wandl, C Cavalieri, PM Unceta
Regenerative territories: Dimensions of circularity for healthy metabolisms …, 2022
Hotterdam: Mapping the social, morphological, and land-use dimensions of the Rotterdam urban heat island
F Van der Hoeven, A Wandl
Urbani izziv 29 (1), 58-72, 2018
ESPON TANGO-territorial approaches for new governance
P Schmitt
Amsterwarm: gebiedstypologie warmte-eiland Amsterdam
F van der Hoeven, A Wandl
TU Delft, 2013
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