Katharina Ruthsatz
Patterns of temperature induced developmental plasticity in anuran larvae
K Ruthsatz, MA Peck, KH Dausmann, NM Sabatino, J Glos
Journal of Thermal Biology 74, 123-132, 2018
Altered thyroid hormone levels affect body condition at metamorphosis in larvae of Xenopus laevis
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, C Drees, LI Becker, L Hartmann, J Reese, ...
Journal of Applied Toxicology 38 (11), 1416-1425, 2018
Thermal tolerance and acclimation capacity in the European common frog (Rana temporaria) change throughout ontogeny
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, MA Peck, J Glos
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative …, 2022
Skin microbiome correlates with bioclimate and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection intensity in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest treefrogs
K Ruthsatz, ML Lyra, C Lambertini, AM Belasen, TS Jenkinson, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 22311, 2020
Post-metamorphic carry-over effects of altered thyroid hormone level and developmental temperature: physiological plasticity and body condition at two life stages in Rana …
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, S Reinhardt, T Robinson, NM Sabatino, ...
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 190, 297-315, 2020
Endocrine Disruption Alters Developmental Energy Allocation and Performance in Rana temporaria
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, S Reinhardt, T Robinson, NM Sabatino, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 59 (1), 70-88, 2019
Thyroid hormone levels and temperature during development alter thermal tolerance and energetics of Xenopus laevis larvae
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, MA Peck, C Drees, NM Sabatino, LI Becker, ...
Conservation Physiology 6 (1), coy059, 2018
Shifts in sensitivity of amphibian metamorphosis to endocrine disruption: the common frog (Rana temporaria) as a case study
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, K Paesler, P Babos, NM Sabatino, MA Peck, ...
Conservation Physiology 8 (1), coaa100, 2020
Developmental plasticity in amphibian larvae across the world: Investigating the roles of temperature and latitude
N Sinai, J Glos, AV Mohan, ML Lyra, M Riepe, E Thöle, C Zummach, ...
Journal of Thermal Biology 106, 103233, 2022
Life in plastic, it's not fantastic: Sublethal effects of polyethylene microplastics ingestion throughout amphibian metamorphosis
K Ruthsatz, A Schwarz, I Gomez-Mestre, R Meyer, M Domscheit, F Bartels, ...
Science of The Total Environment 885, 163779, 2023
Altered thyroid hormone levels affect the capacity for temperature-induced developmental plasticity in larvae of Rana temporaria and Xenopus laevis
K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann, C Drees, LI Becker, L Hartmann, J Reese, ...
Journal of Thermal Biology 90, 102599, 2020
Microplastics ingestion induces plasticity in digestive morphology in larvae of Xenopus laevis
K Ruthsatz, M Domscheit, K Engelkes, M Vences
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2022
Chemical composition of food induces plasticity in digestive morphology in larvae of Rana temporaria
K Ruthsatz, LM Giertz, D Schröder, J Glos
Biology Open 8 (12), bio048041, 2019
Contributions of water-borne corticosterone as one non-invasive biomarker in assessing nitrate pollution stress in tadpoles of Rana temporaria
K Ruthsatz, PC Eterovick, F Bartels, J Mausbach
General and Comparative Endocrinology 331, 114164, 2023
Description and shaping factors of diet and feeding ecology of neotropical tadpoles: A case study and a comprehensive review
IM Goncalves, JS Kloh, K Ruthsatz, CC Figueredo, PC Eterovick
Austral Ecology 49 (1), e13302, 2024
Timing of parental breeding shapes sensitivity to nitrate pollution in the common frog Rana temporaria
K Ruthsatz, F Bartels, D Stützer, PC Eterovick
Journal of Thermal Biology 108, 103296, 2022
Field body temperatures in Malagasy rainforest frogs
K Ruthsatz, A Rakotoarison, JC Razafimampiandra, VS Randriamahefa, ...
Herpetology Notes 15, 565-578, 2022
Exploring water-borne corticosterone collection as a non-invasive tool in amphibian conservation physiology: benefits, limitations and future perspectives
K Ruthsatz, R Rico-Millan, PC Eterovick, I Gomez-Mestre
Conservation Physiology 11 (1), coad070, 2023
Season and reproductive activity influence cortisol levels in the Malagasy primate Lepilemur edwardsi
J Bethge, J Fietz, JC Razafimampiandra, K Ruthsatz, KH Dausmann
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative …, 2022
Food source determines stable isotope discrimination factors ΔN and ΔC in tadpoles
J Glos, K Ruthsatz, D Schröder, JC Riemann
Amphibia-Reptilia 41 (4), 501-507, 2020
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