Zhihao Tu
Zhihao Tu
其他姓名涂 志豪
Southern University of Science and Technology
在 sustech.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Microbial communities associated with indigo fermentation that thrive in anaerobic alkaline environments
K Aino, K Hirota, T Okamoto, Z Tu, H Matsuyama, I Yumoto
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2196, 2018
Rapid and reliable species identification of wild mushrooms by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
R Sugawara, S Yamada, Z Tu, A Sugawara, K Suzuki, T Hoshiba, ...
Analytica Chimica Acta 934, 163-169, 2016
Characterization of the microbiota in long-and short-term natural indigo fermentation
Z Tu, H de Fátima Silva Lopes, K Igarashi, I Yumoto
Journal of industrial microbiology and biotechnology 46 (12), 1657-1667, 2019
Bacillus fermenti sp. nov., an indigo-reducing obligate alkaliphile isolated from indigo fermentation liquor for dyeing
K Hirota, M Nishita, Z Tu, H Matsuyama, I Yumoto
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68 (4 …, 2018
Analysis of the microbiota involved in the early changes associated with indigo reduction in the natural fermentation of indigo
Z Tu, H de Fátima Silva Lopes, K Hirota, I Yumoto
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 35, 1-9, 2019
Microbial Diversity in the Edible Gall on White Bamboo Formed by the Interaction between Ustilago esculenta and Zizania latifolia
Z Tu, S Yamada, D Hu, Y Ito, T Iwasaki, A Yamaguchi
Current Microbiology 76, 824-834, 2019
Analysis of bacterial flora of indigo fermentation fluids utilizing composted indigo leaves (sukumo) and indigo extracted from plants (Ryukyu-ai and Indian indigo)
HFS Lopes, Z Tu, H Sumi, I Yumoto
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 132 (3), 279-286, 2021
The Mechanism Underlying of Long-Term Stable Indigo Reduction State in Indigo Fermentation Using Sukumo (Composted Polygonum tinctorium Leaves)
Z Tu, HFS Lopes, T Narihiro, I Yumoto
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 698674, 2021
Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of aqueous extracts of wild mushrooms from Japan
S Yamada, M Tanaka, R Miura, C Takeuchi, Z Tu, D Hu, K Matsuoka, ...
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 21 (5), 2019
Indigofera tinctoria leaf powder as a promising additive to improve indigo fermentation prepared with sukumo (composted Polygonum tinctorium leaves)
H de Fátima Silva Lopes, Z Tu, H Sumi, H Furukawa, I Yumoto
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 37, 1-11, 2021
Fundicoccus fermenti sp. nov., an indigo-reducing facultative anaerobic alkaliphile isolated from indigo fermentation liquor used for dyeing
Z Tu, HFS Lopes, I Yumoto
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (2), 005239, 2022
Identification of Mushroom Species by Automated rRNA Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) and Its Application to a Suspected Case of Food Poisoning with Tricholoma ustale.
R Sugawara, S Yamada, Z Tu, A Sugawara, T Hoshiba, S Eisaka, ...
Shokuhin Eiseigaku zasshi. Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan 57 …, 2016
菅原諒太, 山田さゆみ, 涂志豪, 菅原明子, 干場敏博, 山内正仁, 山口昭弘
日本食品科学工学会誌 62 (9), 445-453, 2015
Environmental factors contributing to the convergence of bacterial community structure during indigo reduction
N Farjana, Z Tu, H Furukawa, I Yumoto
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1097595, 2023
Indigofera tinctoria L. leaf powder promotes initiation of indigo reduction by inducing of rapid transition of the microbial community
HFS Lopes, Z Tu, H Sumi, I Yumoto
Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 957809, 2022
Unique growth stage-dependent anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects of white bamboo (makomotake) on RAW264 macrophages shown by no production
T Zhihao, S Yamada, D Hu, Y Ito, T Iwasaki, A Yamaguchi
Food Science and Technology Research 27 (5), 779-787, 2021
Comparison between wet and semi-dry anaerobic biogas diester under thermophilic and mesophilic conditions: Methane productivity and analysis of microbiota
H Kikue, H Kosuke, T Zhihao, Y Isao
African Journal of Microbiology Research 14 (7), 319-331, 2020
A Teske, HJO Ogola, JO Odinga, S Ntougias, I Yumoto, N Farjana, Z Tu, ...
Insights in Extreme Microbiology: 2022, 33, 2023
Indigofera tinctoria L. leaf powder promotes initiation of indigo reduction by inducing of rapid transition of the microbial community.
H de Fátima Silva Lopes, Z Tu, H Sumi, I Yumoto
佐々木章晴, 湯本勳
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 92 (2), 182-191, 2021
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