Nayra A. Martin-Key
Nayra A. Martin-Key
Research Associate, University of Cambridge
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Facial emotion recognition and eye movement behaviour in conduct disorder
NA Martin‐Key, EW Graf, WJ Adams, G Fairchild
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59 (3), 247-257, 2018
Empathic accuracy in male adolescents with conduct disorder and higher versus lower levels of callous-unemotional traits
N Martin-Key, T Brown, G Fairchild
Journal of abnormal child psychology 45, 1385-1397, 2017
A machine learning algorithm to differentiate bipolar disorder from major depressive disorder using an online mental health questionnaire and blood biomarker data
J Tomasik, SYS Han, G Barton-Owen, DM Mirea, NA Martin-Key, ...
Translational psychiatry 11 (1), 41, 2021
Sex differences in the relationship between conduct disorder and cortical structure in adolescents
A Smaragdi, H Cornwell, N Toschi, R Riccelli, K Gonzalez-Madruga, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 56 (8), 703-712, 2017
Neurobiological, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological studies of children and adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders
I Puzzo, A Smaragdi, K Gonzalez, N Martin‐Key, G Fairchild
Family Relations 65 (1), 134-150, 2016
The current state and validity of digital assessment tools for psychiatry: systematic review
NA Martin-Key, B Spadaro, E Funnell, EJ Barker, TS Schei, J Tomasik, ...
JMIR mental health 9 (3), e32824, 2022
Building the digital mental health ecosystem: opportunities and challenges for mobile health innovators
B Spadaro, NA Martin-Key, S Bahn
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (10), e27507, 2021
mHealth solutions for perinatal mental health: scoping review and appraisal following the mhealth index and navigation database framework
B Spadaro, NA Martin-Key, E Funnell, S Bahn
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 10 (1), e30724, 2022
mHealth solutions for mental health screening and diagnosis: a review of app user perspectives using sentiment and thematic analysis
EL Funnell, B Spadaro, N Martin-Key, T Metcalfe, S Bahn
Frontiers in psychiatry 13, 857304, 2022
Proof-of-concept support for the development and implementation of a digital assessment for perinatal mental health: mixed methods study
NA Martin-Key, B Spadaro, TS Schei, S Bahn
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (6), e27132, 2021
Empathic accuracy in female adolescents with conduct disorder and sex differences in the relationship between conduct disorder and empathy
NA Martin-Key, G Allison, G Fairchild
Journal of abnormal child psychology 48, 1155-1167, 2020
The current state and diagnostic accuracy of digital mental health assessment tools for psychiatric disorders: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
NA Martin-Key, TS Schei, EJ Barker, B Spadaro, E Funnell, J Benacek, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 10 (1), e25382, 2021
Investigating emotional body posture recognition in adolescents with conduct disorder using eye-tracking methods
NA Martin-Key, EW Graf, WJ Adams, G Fairchild
Research on child and adolescent psychopathology 49, 849-860, 2021
Impact of a web-based psychiatric assessment on the mental health and well-being of individuals presenting with depressive symptoms: longitudinal observational study
DM Mirea, NA Martin-Key, G Barton-Owen, T Olmert, JD Cooper, ...
JMIR Mental Health 8 (2), e23813, 2021
The Delta Study–Prevalence and characteristics of mood disorders in 924 individuals with low mood: Results of the of the World Health Organization Composite International …
NA Martin‐Key, T Olmert, G Barton‐Owen, SYS Han, JD Cooper, P Eljasz, ...
Brain and Behavior 11 (6), e02167, 2021
Learnings from user feedback of a novel digital mental health assessment
EL Funnell, B Spadaro, J Benacek, NA Martin-Key, T Metcalfe, T Olmert, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 13, 1018095, 2022
Identification of predictors of mood disorder misdiagnosis and subsequent help-seeking behavior in individuals with depressive symptoms: gradient-boosted tree machine learning …
J Benacek, N Lawal, T Ong, J Tomasik, NA Martin-Key, EL Funnell, ...
JMIR Mental Health 11, e50738, 2024
Perceptions of healthcare provision throughout the menopause in the UK: A mixed-methods study
NA Martin-Key, EL Funnell, B Spadaro, S Bahn
npj Women's Health 1 (1), 2, 2023
Opportunities for the implementation of a digital mental health assessment tool in the United Kingdom: exploratory survey study
B Spadaro, NA Martin-Key, E Funnell, J Benáček, S Bahn
JMIR Formative Research 7 (1), e43271, 2023
Investigating the clinical utility of the combined use of objective and subjective measures of ADHD during treatment optimization
NA Martin-Key, A Stevenson, P Roy
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 42 (2), 146-153, 2022
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