Zaixing Zhou
Zaixing Zhou
在 unh.edu 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat–maize rotation field in northern China
C Liu, K Wang, S Meng, X Zheng, Z Zhou, S Han, D Chen, Z Yang
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140 (1-2), 226-233, 2011
Annual emissions of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide from a wheat–maize cropping system on a silt loam calcareous soil in the North China Plain
F Cui, G Yan, Z Zhou, X Zheng, J Deng
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 48, 10-19, 2012
Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from an irrigated cotton field in Northern China
C Liu, X Zheng, Z Zhou, S Han, Y Wang, K Wang, W Liang, M Li, D Chen, ...
Plant and Soil 332, 123-134, 2010
Effects of organic matter incorporation on nitrous oxide emissions from rice-wheat rotation ecosystems in China
Z Yao, Z Zhou, X Zheng, B Xie, B Mei, R Wang, K Butterbach-Bahl, J Zhu
Plant and Soil 327, 315-330, 2010
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on CH4 emission from rice fields: multi-site field observations
B Xie, X Zheng, Z Zhou, J Gu, B Zhu, X Chen, Y Shi, Y Wang, Z Zhao, ...
Plant and Soil 326, 393-401, 2010
Nitrogen‐regulated effects of free‐air CO2 enrichment on methane emissions from paddy rice fields
X Zheng, Z Zhou, Y Wang, J Zhu, Y Wang, JIN Yue, YI Shi, K Kobayashi, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (9), 1717-1732, 2006
Assessing biogeochemical effects and best management practice for a wheat–maize cropping system using the DNDC model
F Cui, X Zheng, C Liu, K Wang, Z Zhou, J Deng
Biogeosciences 11 (1), 91-107, 2014
Carbon budget of the Harvard Forest Long‐Term Ecological Research site: pattern, process, and response to global change
AC Finzi, MA Giasson, AA Barker Plotkin, JD Aber, ER Boose, ...
Ecological Monographs 90 (4), e01423, 2020
Two-year simultaneous records of N2O and NO fluxes from a farmed cropland in the northern China plain with a reduced nitrogen addition rate by one-third
G Yan, X Zheng, F Cui, Z Yao, Z Zhou, J Deng, Y Xu
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 178, 39-50, 2013
Modeling nitrogen loadings from agricultural soils in southwest China with modified DNDC
J Deng, B Zhu, Z Zhou, X Zheng, C Li, T Wang, J Tang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116 (G2), 2011
Quantifying net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange of a short‐plant cropland with intermittent chamber measurements
X Zheng, B Xie, C Liu, Z Zhou, Z Yao, Y Wang, Y Wang, L Yang, J Zhu, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (3), 2008
Modeling nitrogen loading in a small watershed in southwest China using a DNDC model with hydrological enhancements
J Deng, Z Zhou, B Zhu, X Zheng, C Li, X Wang, Z Jian
Biogeosciences 8 (10), 2999-3009, 2011
Characteristics of multiple‐year nitrous oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China
B Mei, X Zheng, B Xie, H Dong, Z Yao, C Liu, Z Zhou, R Wang, J Deng, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D12), 2011
Nitric oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China
B Mei, X Zheng, B Xie, H Dong, Z Zhou, R Wang, J Deng, F Cui, H Tong, ...
Atmospheric Environment 43 (17), 2762-2769, 2009
Annual emissions of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide from rice-wheat rotation and vegetable fields: a case study in the Tai-Lake region, China
J Deng, Z Zhou, X Zheng, C Liu, Z Yao, B Xie, F Cui, S Han, J Zhu
Plant and Soil 360, 37-53, 2012
Greenhouse gas fluxes and NO release from a Chinese subtropical rice‐winter wheat rotation system under nitrogen fertilizer management
Z Yao, X Zheng, R Wang, H Dong, B Xie, B Mei, Z Zhou, J Zhu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118 (2), 623-638, 2013
Comparison of the DNDC, LandscapeDNDC and IAP-N-GAS models for simulating nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from the winter wheat–summer maize rotation system
W Zhang, C Liu, X Zheng, Z Zhou, F Cui, B Zhu, E Haas, S Klatt, ...
Agricultural Systems 140, 1-10, 2015
Modeling impacts of fertilization alternatives on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China
J Deng, Z Zhou, X Zheng, C Li
Atmospheric Environment 81, 642-650, 2013
A coupled terrestrial and aquatic biogeophysical model of the Upper Merrimack River watershed, New Hampshire, to inform ecosystem services evaluation and management under …
NR Samal, WM Wollheim, S Zuidema, RJ Stewart, Z Zhou, MM Mineau, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (4), 2017
Influences of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE), nitrogen fertilizer and crop residue incorporation on CH4 emissions from irrigated rice fields
B Xie, Z Zhou, B Mei, X Zheng, H Dong, R Wang, S Han, F Cui, Y Wang, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 93, 373-385, 2012
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